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International Hazard
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Mineman's Detonating Pyrotechnic Alternative (NPED)
Over the last couple of years I have alluded to and given hints about a pyrotechnic formula I have discovered that can replace primary explosives in
some applications. Although I have never explicitly stated the formulation, due to asperations of commercial applications and patents. I will below.
This post will serve as a type of intellectual property.
The goal of this research was two fold; to create a pyrotechnic alternative to primary explosives, and, for this formulation to be "binary" or "field
The friction and impact sensitivity of this formulation is similar to that of PETN. The flame sensitivity is so low, this compound cannot be ignited
by a typical lighter or fuse, and is therefore immune to static! As little as 100mg will DDT lightly confined, and if prepared in a eutectic nature,
as little as 10mg unconfined!
There are several rules I have developed from research leading to this compound for detonating pyrotechnics. Some of these rules are even applicable
to creating sensitive AN mixtures!
-Ammonium Perchlorate and other gaseous oxidizers are preferred.
-Potassium Perchlorate or a similar fast reacting oxidizer is necessary to catalyze the gaseous oxidizer.
-One fuel must contain nitrogen atoms to promote DDT
-To reduce sensitivity and increase DDT, the mixture must be OB+
The formula is as follows:
Oxidizer Component
Ammonium Perchlorate 80 Parts (Gradation of sizes up to 120um)
Potassium Perchlorate 20 Parts
Fuel Component
Nano Aluminum 5 Parts (Preferably 100nm)
Hexamine 7.5 Parts
After these components are mixed together and sieved through a 150um mesh; 1 Part Graphite and 1 Part Steric Acid are mixed in, which further reduces
the impact, friction and static sensitivity. Making handling a non issue. Ideally the Ammonium Perchlorate is not fully powdered to the degree of
flour, but has a gradation of sizes smaller than 120um, this is crucial for DDT. This mixture will not ignite by flame or fuse, and will only react
once melted (burn or DDT) if unconfined. Confined in foil, 50mg will detonate under the flame of a candle, and accelerate the foil to supersonic
velocities, indicating detonation most definitely occurs
This mixture can be prepared in two additional ways that both increase the performance, however, this formulation will then no longer be "field
mixable" Nitrocellulose, 5 to 10 Parts can be added, in addition to an appropriate solvent and sieved through a 1x1mm or 2x2mm mesh. The resulting
formulation easily DDTs in sub gram quantities in copper, aluminum or carbon fiber tubes. Alternatively a eutectic mixture can also be prepared, in
which the ingredients are mixed dry and put into an oven at a temperature of approximately 120 to 175C. The mixture will turn a slight yellow and
release fumes that resemble formaldehyde in smell, but retain a plastic consistency, moldable in shape. Sieved through a 1x1mm mesh, this eutectic
mixture will detonate unconfined in quantities as little as 10mg! All of these mixtures will be stable in dry storage and will not loose performance.
Thermochemical code indicates a VOD of 5500m/s; while tests show the brisance is high enough to achieve explosive welding a witness plate in
quantities as little as a gram, thus truly being a detonating pyrotechnic mixture whose performance is comparable to LA. Unlike traditional NPEDs,
multiple loading densities are not needed. Rather, the optimum loading density is the mixture poured into a tube, and the tube lightly tapped on a
hard surface.
The percentage of nmAl and Hexamine are very important to the engineering of this formulation. Higher percentages of Al will cause the mixtures
sensitivity to increase dramatically, while only benefiting ignitability. Without hexamine, the mixture's VOD will be closer to 3000-3300m/s and
larger quantities will be needed for DDT. It is theorized that Hexamine Diperchlorate is formed and consumed on the CJ plane. This formulation can
reliably function with nmAl Parts as low as 3 and Hexamine Parts as low as 5. No benefit is seen from increasing the Hexamine over 7.5 parts unless
the mixture is to be used as a eutectic plastic secondary explosive. Other nitrogen containing fuels known in the art can be used as well. This
mixture performs well with creatine replacing the hexamine.
If anyone has any additional questions, comments, suggestions for improvements or would like to preform tests on their own, then please comment
[Edited on 22-1-2021 by MineMan]
International Hazard
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Amazing work! Thank you so much for sharing.
Hazard to Others
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Very interested to try this! May I ask what method you use to ignite the mixture?
Hazard to Others
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Take this to IPS and present, Mineman. This is good stuff right here! I can see multiple uses in my own industry right now. Congratulations!
National Hazard
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Wow! Good work indeed.
The mixture resembles a hybrid exotic flashpowder, yet I have never seen flash with a secondary hexamine fuel!
Guess if you consider it a completely hybrid "flash", you have answered the age old debate of whether flash can detonate haha.
Definitely worth trying to patent as I have never seen something which looks like a deflagrating composition on paper that is actually able to achieve
Hazard to Others
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Agreed with greenlight. I've written my own patent for a BP-replacement before. Let me know if you want any help with this! It's a shitty process just
due to the monetary cost, but worth it imo.
International Hazard
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Smokeless powder/aluminum should work.
Hazard to Self

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Which specific smokeless powder are you using here? They do vary quite a lot in composition and availability across locations.
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by greenlight  | Wow! Good work indeed.
The mixture resembles a hybrid exotic flashpowder, yet I have never seen flash with a secondary hexamine fuel!
Guess if you consider it a completely hybrid "flash", you have answered the age old debate of whether flash can detonate haha.
Definitely worth trying to patent as I have never seen something which looks like a deflagrating composition on paper that is actually able to achieve
Thank you for the feedback! This isn’t a flash powder you see, that was the thinking I had to overcome in the beginning. Rather it is a series of
catalyst that allow the explosive decomposition of the ammonium perchlorate rapidly. Russian research has shown AP and nmAl can DDT in 1cm dia
tubes... but it takes several cm to accelerate and only detonates at 3000m/s. This only needs mms to accelerate... or less.
There is a flash that I have discovered that detonates, though less reliably. But not exotic and far more powerful than standard 30/70... even more
powerful than ZPP.
Laboratory of Liptakov
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Great work, MineMan. Exist some source link for nano Alu powder used? Thanks.
Development of primarily - secondary substances: CHP (2015) neutral CHP and Lithex (2022) Brightelite (2023) Nitrocelite and KC primer (2024) Diper
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International Hazard
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100nm spherical Al. No need to go any smaller. Due to the expense I suggest we look into budget sources. Sky Spring nano is proven.
Laboratory of Liptakov
International Hazard
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Thanks for link. Is it not super fine nano Aluminium. 100nm = 0.1 um. However, spherical shape is important value. I estimate. Against quick
oxidation in mixtures during a longer times. And 25 grams is basically forever. For this purpose. At 5% using. You mean Stearic acid, estimate. In
text is Steric acid.
Development of primarily - secondary substances: CHP (2015) neutral CHP and Lithex (2022) Brightelite (2023) Nitrocelite and KC primer (2024) Diper
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International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by Laboratory of Liptakov  | Thanks for link. Is it not super fine nano Aluminium. 100nm = 0.1 um. However, spherical shape is important value. I estimate. Against quick
oxidation in mixtures during a longer times. And 25 grams is basically forever. For this purpose. At 5% using. You mean Stearic acid, estimate. In
text is Steric acid. |
Yes. It is not superfine. And. 25grams will last forever. Yes, thank you, Stearic Acid. It’s use is it acts like a wax acts like a wax and protects
from friction. More Al should increase DDT... however, I like that the compound extinguishes fuse or match, this guarantees safe handling.
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by katyushaslab  | Which specific smokeless powder are you using here? They do vary quite a lot in composition and availability across locations. |
Any hot burning compound that creates a pressure impulse will do, many options. Even flash can be used.
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the main problem if it can be viewed as one is where to get the nano aluminium,
which is not easily obtained.
Laboratory of Liptakov
International Hazard
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Yes, nano Alu can be problem. Because Classic very fine Aluminium powder clasification is 5 micrometer = 0.05 mm.
And this nano is 0,1 micrometer = 0.001 mm. Is it huge difference. Nano is 50x finer than classic very fine pyro powder.
The price can be pretty problem for beginner.
Development of primarily - secondary substances: CHP (2015) neutral CHP and Lithex (2022) Brightelite (2023) Nitrocelite and KC primer (2024) Diper
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Hazard to Others
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I've seen you reference this before and always wondered what it might be. The post about it being a hard to ignite flare composition in atmosphere but
going easily in confinement was almost too good to be true,and yet it is!
The candle-aluminum foil property might be problematic on a large scale, since I would imagine that has less to do with confinement and more to do
with the material gradually melting and pyrolysing to the point where it gets unstable. That could conceivably happen due to friction if it were being
formed on the kilogram scale for commercial purposes. Long term (years) shelf storage might be an issue too. But from my understanding, there's
nothing keeping it from being used commercially, especially if mixed on site. Get this patented, before someone else does!
I now have a YouTube channel. So far just electronics and basic High Voltage experimentation, but I'll hopefully have some chemistry videos soon.
Laboratory of Liptakov
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The size scale about 80 nano meters is also used in system Alice = Aluminium + Ice H2O. It seems that nano Aluminium
is really main key for modern energetic compositions.
Rocket fuel from Aluminium and Ice sounds a like nonsense. But works it.
Development of primarily - secondary substances: CHP (2015) neutral CHP and Lithex (2022) Brightelite (2023) Nitrocelite and KC primer (2024) Diper
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I am curious, have you had any success at all WITHOUT the nano Al?
Average Joe
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Truly awesome compound, well done, MineMan! Finally seeing your pyrotechnic formula is kind of like finally getting to watch a really good much
anticipated movie.
Laboratory of Liptakov's post about ALICE reminded me of Dornier 335A's Magnesium and snow flash powder video.
Anybody have a good method for making nmAl? I remember Dornier 335A did a video, on a good manual steel plate method for super fine powdered Al and Mg
but maybe there is a more productive way. For example (probably not practical), a using a random orbit sander and 2 ceramic plates, with the Al
between the ceramic plates. Or a mortar and pestle with a slow drill attached to the pestle. Though one would have to mitigate air currents and
airborne Al. Can a ball mill get it done? Just some thoughts.
[Edited on 26-1-2021 by Average Joe]
[Edited on 26-1-2021 by Average Joe]
International Hazard
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No. It will not work without the nano Al. If so I believe this would have been discovered fall earlier.
Yes. Alice is genius . It is detonable too, a 1 to 1 part of nAl and water. But
booster needed.
Dornier’s method is best. But it might not work for such a precise formula. Because his method produces flakes. Only way is to buy a planetary ball
mill for 1000 bucks. But that will make flakes too. But planetary should work.
Laboratory of Liptakov
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Exactly. Dornier method will very difficult and result will flakes with impurities from friction surfaces. Nano Aluminium for this purpose must be
exact defined value. I estimate, that way for successful is buy professional spherical shape 100 nano Aluminium. And from this point is possible
continue. For a lot amateur researchers it will obstacle.
Of course, aluminum nanoparticles open up space for further research, for example mixtures of ETN + Nitrocellulose + nanoparticles.
For example ETN 90 + NC 5 + Alu 5. Or ETN 80 + NC 10 + Alu 10.
Mixed under acetone and sieve agglomerates 1x1 or 2x2 mm.
[Edited on 26-1-2021 by Laboratory of Liptakov]
Development of primarily - secondary substances: CHP (2015) neutral CHP and Lithex (2022) Brightelite (2023) Nitrocelite and KC primer (2024) Diper
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International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by Laboratory of Liptakov  | Exactly. Dornier method will very difficult and result will flakes with impurities from friction surfaces. Nano Aluminium for this purpose must be
exact defined value. I estimate, that way for successful is buy professional spherical shape 100 nano Aluminium. And from this point is possible
continue. For a lot amateur researchers it will obstacle.
Of course, aluminum nanoparticles open up space for further research, for example mixtures of ETN + Nitrocellulose + nanoparticles.
For example ETN 90 + NC 5 + Alu 5. Or ETN 80 + NC 10 + Alu 10.
Mixed under acetone and sieve agglomerates 1x1 or 2x2 mm.
[Edited on 26-1-2021 by Laboratory of Liptakov] |
That would most definitely work for a DDT detonator, but the correct composition would have to be figured out. No more than a days work. I suspect
having 15 percent 1000 mesh magnesium and 10 parts PP... the ETN would become a sort of flash powder that can make the transition
Exactly, nano powders open up a world of new research, but we must be very careful... health effects are not fully respected or understood. Aluminum,
while in foil and nearly everything... is a neurotoxin, it binds to the fluoride in our body from water. Al factory works have a higher incident rate
of brain type sicknesses. And nano, can be absorbed into our skin and pass defenses, directly into the brain. While Mg on the other hand in nano might
be good for us 
But we must be careful when we venture into these things. Nano Al, Nano Zr, Nano Ti...ect who truly knows the risks??
[Edited on 26-1-2021 by MineMan]
[Edited on 26-1-2021 by MineMan]
[Edited on 26-1-2021 by MineMan]
Hazard to Others
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I would also be interested to hear more about this ETN/KClO4/Mg mix you mentioned!
International Hazard
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See my post edit
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