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Melgar has died
I received this email over the weekend:
PGP Key and corresponding e-mail address
National Hazard
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RIP. Only 37, that is sad.
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Sad and shocking indeed. I was not able to find any information regarding the cause of his death, but I did find his obituary:

Certainly a loss to our community.
International Hazard
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Wow. I kept expecting to see him again. Awful news.
International Hazard
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RIP Melgar.
(btw I initially thought someone mentioned Magpie again since their usernames are similar)
[Edited on 200505 by fusso]
National Hazard
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RIP. Sad news 
International Hazard
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No! I always thought he was a really nice guy. Way too young
[Edited on 5-5-2020 by Tsjerk]
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Sad to read about his passing away.
At such a young age!
International Hazard
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This is truly sad, i didn't expect the loss of another sciencemadness member so soon.
it's strange to read someone's posts, writing about their project, their ideas, and knowing that they aren't here anymore, i mean, it happens all the
time, but it's strange here. i feel that even if i don't personally know any of you, just by reading of the experiments, the ideas and the passion of
you all i get to know you somewhat, so when things like this happen, it's not just the loss of a stranger.
feel free to correct my grammar, or any mistakes i make
Hazard to Self

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Do you think the community should have some kind of memorial page for members who have passed? Something like a hall of fame? Such a young age to go
too. What a shame, RIP Melgar.
International Hazard
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Oh man this is a real downer.
Maybe 2-3 weeks ago a friend mentioned to me that he wondered where he'd been.
And I told him about me accidentally running into him on another site in january or maybe late december.
Just strange.
Well, so now we know where he had been.
I liked him, and his posts, and found them quite useful, and him to be a nice and helpful person.
Its just sad.
International Hazard
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This is really sad, too nice, too smart and too young ......
Redneck Overlord
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Man, I corresponded with him some. Only so many trips around the sun........treasure each day, even if ya fukkin h8 what life throws at ya.
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Hazard to Others
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He will be missed for sure. I had him as a secret Santa Christmas ‘16 or ‘17.
R.I.P. You’re flame was extinguished to early.
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" -Ronald Reagan
International Hazard
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RIP. He will be missed.
National Hazard
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Sad news, I really liked him.
International Hazard
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I am extremely sorry to learn of Melgar's passing. I know a lot of people think I didn't like Melgar, but nothing could be further from the truth. My
concern was that his sheer capacity for boldness, though a valuable trait in an experimental chemist, would put the forum at risk. I am concerned to
read of his death under unexplained circumstances with "hazardous materials" present.
Melgar conducted many chemical explorations, some original. We are better off for his time here. He was intelligent, persistent, and brave. He was a
far better chemist than I am. His work here will live on forever.
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Well, I am stunned. Shocked. A couple of days since I saw this news and I still can't quite believe it.
Melgar always struck me as a battler. He had been through a huge number of challenging life events including being ripped off in business, financial,
difficult family and mental health issues. And yet he kept persevering. Knowing a bit of what he had been going through, I was not surprised to see
him take a step back from this board for a while. But now to find that he is not coming back... that's a real blow. My condolences to his friends
and family and those who knew him better than I. He is genuinely missed.
Hazard to Others
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Very sad news
I'm French so excuse my language
Hazard to Others
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Sad to hear.
International Hazard
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Mood: ....getting old and drowning in a sea of knowledge
....its always sad to loose a member, more so at such a young age,.....vaya con Dios...solo
It's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees....Emiliano Zapata.
National Hazard
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I'm sorry to hear such terrible news. RIP Melgar.
violet sin
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This has drawn me from the shadows, to say goodbye ...
Dang man, I did not expect to see this ... Haven't been reading here for a few years, focusing on other hobbies and busy with life. Though upon
checking in the other day, I see Magpie leveled up in life, posted on my birthday a year ago super disappointing, and while coming up with words for that, this popped up... Not ideal.
I liked Melgar a lot, he was into fun stuff, we had traded metals and exchanged stories. The kind of friendships that perhaps aren't constant chat,
but an understanding of good character and a welcome familiarity. Another active mind trying to have fun and triumph in the face of adversity.
Just got done reading the few U2U's we exchanged. He was charitable, honest, humble and interesting. Some of our exchanges took a couple extra days,
he apologized and threw in extras to fend off offence. Unwanted of course, life happens. But he at least valued the time of others, something not
always the case these days.
I didn't remember him being a super moderator when I left, then again the playing field has changed in a couple years for sure.
It was pretty crushing to see a guy half a decade younger than I lost to wind. His home and health outwardly decent from the photos I saw. Reminders
of mortality these days are all too numerous... When life seems to have the most to offer. Plenty of that is on me, and my interpretation of recent
personal events. (I loved the chemistry here) but the people and friendships were why I stuck around while I did. SM, mostly chem all community and
an occasional banhammer,
RIP Melgar, you will be missed
*and sorry for making this so much about me.
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by violet sin  | This has drawn me from the shadows, to say goodbye ...
Dang man, I did not expect to see this ... Haven't been reading here for a few years, focusing on other hobbies and busy with life. Though upon
checking in the other day, I see Magpie leveled up in life, posted on my birthday a year ago super disappointing, and while coming up with words for that, this popped up... Not ideal.
I liked Melgar a lot, he was into fun stuff, we had traded metals and exchanged stories. The kind of friendships that perhaps aren't constant chat,
but an understanding of good character and a welcome familiarity. Another active mind trying to have fun and triumph in the face of adversity.
Just got done reading the few U2U's we exchanged. He was charitable, honest, humble and interesting. Some of our exchanges took a couple extra days,
he apologized and threw in extras to fend off offence. Unwanted of course, life happens. But he at least valued the time of others, something not
always the case these days.
I didn't remember him being a super moderator when I left, then again the playing field has changed in a couple years for sure.
It was pretty crushing to see a guy half a decade younger than I lost to wind. His home and health outwardly decent from the photos I saw. Reminders
of mortality these days are all too numerous... When life seems to have the most to offer. Plenty of that is on me, and my interpretation of recent
personal events. (I loved the chemistry here) but the people and friendships were why I stuck around while I did. SM, mostly chem all community and
an occasional banhammer,
RIP Melgar, you will be missed
*and sorry for making this so much about me.
It was a lovely thing to read, don't apologize. I didn't know how to write my own tribute.
National Hazard
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He was a great guy.
Friendly, helpful.
And also one of those people who actually appear to be thinking most of the time.
Really funny too.
And he sure knew his way around the Henry reaction.
Those were some interesting posts.
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