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Hazard to Others
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Nice submissions guys!
Check out the ScienceMadness Wiki:
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
—Arthur Schopenhauer
"¡Vivá Cristo Rey!"
—Saint José Sánchez del Río
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by Phosphor-ing  | Lab tips: Making sodium wire for drying solvents.
I couldn't get the link to post so this is simply the name of the video on you tube.
I have a similar clay extruder but easier to use as it has a screw thread for extrusion
So far I've only used it twice for sodium wire.
If you buy such a device (I have not really benefitted from it) then use the second-smallest hole
- or use the small hole if your lab is warm enough to make the sodium soft enough.
P.S. I've put sodium on water many times, even tried the 'transparent sodium' experiments a few times,
but when I put sodium wire on water it has so far never exploded....... must try harder !
[Edited on 25-2-2018 by Sulaiman]
CAUTION : Hobby Chemist, not Professional or even Amateur
Hazard to Others
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Ok, I may have found a JACKPOT channel. "ChemicalForce".
An English-speaking Russian (at least, I think) chemistry channel which does many well-filmed experiments with REALLY exotic chemicals such as TiCl4,
Na2O2, Decaborane, 100% HNO3, LiAlH4, and more. He's even done stuff with Liquid Acetylene & Methane! Seriously a great channel and has brought
stuff to the table which hasn't been seen before! Take Decaborane + WFNA for example... BOOM!!
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Mood: Most of the ducks are in a row
List compiled by VSEPR_VOID in a thread he started.
I am appending them to this thread rather than merging the two threads so that the conversation is less confusing.
It would be great to add the channel names to this list. I will see if I can do that over the next couple of days.
Thanks for looking these up, VV.
Hazard to Others
Posts: 110
Registered: 14-5-2018
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I've added all the channels posted by VSEPR_VOID to my list of channels to backup.
The list below includes all the chemistry and glassware related channels I know about. The details were correct at the time I downloaded the videos
for the channel.
I am still downloading FranklyChemistry and Brad Sieve. Everything else is complete.
Let me know if there are any other pieces of information that would be useful.
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Hazard to Others
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Mood: 220 221 whatever it takes
Thanks VV, I really enjoyed the Australian high schooler making white phosphorous with his kiln.
Quote: |
3. Rocket Science ... Without the Rocket. Part 2 Posted: 20170604 Views: 75 |
I watched this, and while I agree with the general idea of thrust vs. weight, I think you miss a nuance in that matchup. The reason why NAR urges the
use of guide rods is to prevent a horizontal flight. This could be with a balanced motor, but if the payload is too much, it serves double duty. The
rocket could make a horizontal trajectory with underpowered motors. The rod will force the impingement to do a number on the plate, but won't send it
at spectators. You probably already cover that somewhere else, but I didn't see it in the comments.
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Mood: Most of the ducks are in a row
First of all, thanks sreety. That is an awesome list and would have taken a while to do. Much appreciated. There are a couple of channels there
that I have not come across before and it looks like some good watching is in order.
I am going to add The gayest person on youtube.
As a channel it is still in its infancy but the quality and the irreverent humour are right up there. A lot of subscribers for a mere 7 vids but
rightly deserved. The thermites are among the best presentations I have seen of this reaction.
I am going to assume that he is a member here but I don't know who he is.
Hazard to Others
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You're welcome. It was actually a lot less work than you might imagine. I fairly short program to write.
The real work was downloading all the videos. That got completely out of hand. I've added "The gayest person on youtube" to my list of channels to
crystal grower
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| concetration over tíme song.
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I don't like this because of great photography or an interesting reaction, but because it's a thought-provoking discussion of a common tendency in DIY
science, to try to do rigorous research using only things found lying around. The emphasis in this video is on DIY molecular biology, but the core
points are more broadly applicable. A familiar example from home chemistry might be OTC-mania, in which people propose long, roundabout synthetic
routes from base materials rather than simply purchase their target molecule online.
I'm all for gluing trash to other trash, which I think can be rewarding practice and a useful prototyping process. But I definitely empathize with the
frustration it can cause, when everything you own is stuck-together garbage. The proposed way forward is collectivization through shared workspaces,
which has its pros and cons. I don't know that I've seen a good example of a traditional chemistry space in a hackerspace, but the molecular biology
aspect of the group project in the video (organized by SM's chironex) looks like a promising model.
al-khemie is not a terrorist organization
"Chemicals, chemicals... I need chemicals!" - George Hayduke
"Wubbalubba dub-dub!" - Rick Sanchez
Hazard to Others
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Gosh I’m loving this thread. Thank you all for your effort!
Check out the ScienceMadness Wiki:
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
—Arthur Schopenhauer
"¡Vivá Cristo Rey!"
—Saint José Sánchez del Río
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is it on the wiki if so where is it??
Green QD's so far
Feel free to correct grammar or incorect knknowledge. We are all learning.
Hazard to Others
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I'm going to add all of these submissions soon.
Check out the ScienceMadness Wiki:
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
—Arthur Schopenhauer
"¡Vivá Cristo Rey!"
—Saint José Sánchez del Río
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Okay, I have put a lot of the aforementioned channels and videos on the Wiki, but I'm going to take a break—will continue soon!
Check out the ScienceMadness Wiki:
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
—Arthur Schopenhauer
"¡Vivá Cristo Rey!"
—Saint José Sánchez del Río
Hazard to Others
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Thanks Loads Velzee
Green QD's so far
Feel free to correct grammar or incorect knknowledge. We are all learning.
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This little gem on pigments just released:
draculic acid69
International Hazard
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bdbdbd is doing some videos in the spirit of chemplayer.
Malia Helms, Kathryn Haas and acr92651 have some great videos about peptide synthesis.
Stutesman100 has one good video showing how to make 2cloroethanol.
All of the good channels seem to only make around 10 videos and then stop doing any more. There's about 30 now defunct channels I wish were still
making awesome videos but I suppose everyone only has so much chemistry in them that they want to video.i think I've pretty much seen all YouTube has
to offer in the way of amatuer chemistry videos.but there's still a few really good ones still making videos and building up steam.i hope they
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bdbdbd is doing some great work - a bit more controversial than we ever were!
draculic acid69
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That depends on whether you think that sort of thing is controversial,I don't if anything I think it's (and I hate this saying) god's work because
god's too lazy to make 2cb himself.theyre doing excellent work.very exciting and interesting feild.
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Controversial only in the sense of putting it onto YT. Great chemistry though, and good videos!
Hazard to Self

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Wow! Awesome thread. Thanks.
I am seeking to level up my Chem skills. Corrections welcome! All mentorship in madness appreciated.
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I just came across Chemical Force
Definitely not subtle. It is like chicken run with chemical bulldozers.
But it is an opportunity to see some reagents that most people would not get a chance to handle: which seems to be the goal of the channel.
(I could not find the rhenium heptoxide / hafnium thermite that he mentioned in one of his videos. I guess that turned out to be a bit expensive.)
Hazard to Others
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Quote: Originally posted by j_sum1  | I just came across Chemical Force
Definitely not subtle. It is like chicken run with chemical bulldozers.
But it is an opportunity to see some reagents that most people would not get a chance to handle: which seems to be the goal of the channel.
(I could not find the rhenium heptoxide / hafnium thermite that he mentioned in one of his videos. I guess that turned out to be a bit expensive.)
Yea, I discovered this channel few days ago, really nice stuff there! Could not believe It has existed for a year. If youtube recommended video
algorithm was working for my interests, I would have found it long ago.
Really recommend it.
draculic acid69
International Hazard
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A few channels I don't think have been mentioned yet:
The poor man's chemist
The gayest person on YouTube (this channel would probably be more popular with a name change)
[Edited on 14-2-2020 by draculic acid69]
Hazard to Self

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Decided to join the YouTube game
Just thought I would put something out there to see if people think this is good. Let me know what you think!
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