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Hazard to Others
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I bought a 24/29 thermometer adapter with a plastic screw top. Kinda wishing I bought one of the really cool all glass ones, 'thermometer wells' I
believe they're called?
International Hazard
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For most distillations I use one of the cheap Chinese thermometer adapters with plastic screw top and rubber "O" ring, even with NO2 fumes etc. I
rarely use my thermometer pockets/wells.
Only a tiny area of rubber is exposed to the inside of the glassware, and so far, a little silicone grease has kept the rubber rings intact.
You may want to add something aroung the thermometer above the joint just in case the thermometer slips through the adapter and crashes into the
bottom of ypur flask or whatever, I use a tight fitting "O" ring but a rubber band wrapped many times tightly around the stem of the thermometer
works too, but obscures the thermometer scale - often at the critical temperature range
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Hazard to Others
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Cheers for the advice! 
I must say I really love the look of the wells though... not a priority of course but still.
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A well makes for an ok cold finger in some cases. I don't think I have actually used mine for a thermometer yet. A well also needs to be just the
right length for measuring temperature.
A standard screw top thermometer adapter is acually a pretty versatile piece of kit. Insert a glass tube asnd tou can bubble gasses. Or you can use it
for removinng gases.
Hazard to Others
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Looks to me like the two different styles of adapters are about the same price.
Thermometer well:
Standard Screw Top Adapter:
These are of course Chinese pieces of glassware.
I do not own a thermometer well (yet) but from what i can see, these are particularly useful for things like thermocouples that have stainless
steel/aluminum rods in them.
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A 500ml erlenmeyer to replace the one I broke
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International Hazard
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I got some 4L glass gallon jugs that formerly held fruit juice. I have several of these; I thoroughly wash and dry them and use them mainly to store
dry bulk powders like calcium carbonate, magnesium sulfate, etc.
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ooops wrong thread
[Edited on 8-12-2017 by NEMO-Chemistry]
Redneck Overlord
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500ml Erlenmeyer from Deschem. Around $6US delivered from China.
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A 100ml glass measuring cylinder... broken of course. Oh we'll, at least it wasn't something expensive. Still annoying...
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You going to get a refund on that? If you bought it online, most will offer a refund or replacement for broken items.
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Yeah I probably should... it's only a few bucks yet I literally do not have a few bucks...
Actually I tell a lie. I have $6...
International Hazard
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One reason that I use my screw-top adapters more than wells is thermal lag,
an other is that as above, only the correct length well will work well, and I only have a choice of two lengths,
I have a well/pocket exactly like the one pointed to,
the joint is a little too small so it slips inside female joints just a little too far,
and it is not perfectly round, so I have to use ptfe tape for the joint to seal properly, but it is useful for my three-neck rbfs.
So far I have had no problems with my two screw-top adapters even though they do not look of the highest quality.
Also, as above, the screw-top type can accept a glass tube for bubbling gasses etc. ... VERY useful.
So WangleSpong5000 , I think that you made a good choice.
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Ahh yeah I can see the issue with the thermometer wells regrading length... Only now that I've actually done a few distillations can I see the utility
and versatility of a regular screw top adapter. Have already used it for bubbling gasses... Super handy! I never even considered thermal lag but it
makes sense now that I think about it.
And yeah... the plastic screw cap looks a bit dodgy on my one not to mention the rubber aperture bit which is a bit loose for my liking. Plus, it's
Chinese glass and while it's fine I can see the difference between it and the rest of my glassware which I bought in Australia... so lol it maybe made
in China anyway haha
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I do believe that the screw top thermometer holders are useful. I have used mine for all sorts of things. However, when I distilled nitric acid, the
fumes completely destroyed to o-rings in it and cause a lot of fume leakage. From what I have observed, the screw top is probably the most useful and
acts mainly as a "one size fits most" but, in very harsh conditions, a thermometer well might be a better option. When I say harsh conditions I am
referring to things like very high temp distillation, oxidizing conditions, and, somewhat less harsh, but something that should still be taken into
consideration, boiling solvents (causing damage to the o-ring and cap).
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I ordered two of Gilbert Hardware's wash bottles in the 125 mL size, and they arrived today. I was surprised to see that the quality is fairly low;
there are a lot of bubbles where the takeoff barbs are attached, and the inlet tube joint does not sit flush with the wash bottle joint. I'm sure they
will still function ok, but I am not impressed.
Nanshin is currently selling some 500 mL wash bottles that are claimed to be "premium" quality. The have excellent reviews and appear to be high
quality in the photos.
International Hazard
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I just noticed this, but one thing I do like about Gilbert Hardware's wash bottles is the size of the inlet adapter on the 125 mL wash bottles - it is
24/29 and goes nicely to the bottom of a 1L flask. While it's not fancy and is low quality, the bottles and/or adapters will be handy in places where
I'm concerned about suckback or excess gases or to protect a vacuum pump.
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I have a well, as well as a screw top adapter, but also one of those that has a rubber fitment serving as a thermometer holder.
If anyone has a line on new such fitments at a decent price, let me know, as the one I have is getting oxidized and stiff, which means cracking is not
far off.
Thomas Scientific has them for 5 bucks, but wants $20 minimum for shipping.
[Edited on 12/10/17 by PirateDocBrown]
International Hazard
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A jacketed beaker to tinker with ...
Hazard to Self

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Nice. I have been considering ordering one of those jacketed beakers for a while. It would be nice to not have to conduct exothermic reactions in an
ice bath. It would also probably be more efficient at cooling compared to sitting in an ice bath. PETN, and picric acid are a couple of reactions
where the ease of superior cooling could come in really handy.
[Edited on 12-12-2017 by Brom]
Hazard to Others
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I really like those jacketed beakers Morgan. They're awesome!
I just received a bunch of beakers: 250ml, 150ml, 100ml, 50ml, 25ml (broken), 10ml and a 5ml. The 10ml or 5ml are obviously ridiculously small but
they came in a set and they are super cute... I feel like a giant holding them haha (yes I am a child )
They came packaged like little Russian Bubushka dolls.
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Christmas present to myself, got all this for a great price.
National Hazard
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I use 5 and 10 mL beakers frequently. When I need to accurately measure out a few mL of a stock solution or liquid, I pour it first into one of these
little beakers, and then pipette the required amount from the beaker. This helps prevent contamination of the main container.
And if I'm honest, the beakers were only a couple of dollars for a dozen of each, and they're just cute!
International Hazard
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I got some Qorpak PTFE-lined caps in the mail and picked up and a few more 500 ml Boston round bottles from my local health food store (which has also
started stocking larger bottles after many requests and even a few chemicals). The caps fit.
National Hazard
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Just bought this 'condenser' from somebody for $56!

I got the Midas touch.
I got the Midas touch.
everything I touch it turns to gold.
(Or is it the miner's touch?)
EDIT: Aw crap, you can't tell what it is in the damn photo.
15-plate Oldershaw column.
No vacuum jacket, but you can't have everything.
(Of course you can't have everything. Where the hell would you keep it?)
[Edited on 11-1-2018 by SWIM]
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