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Hazard to Others
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A good reason (I guess) for making registration required to view the forums, would be that none of the topics would appear in search engines (depends
if that is a good or a bad thing).
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International Hazard
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Re: registration
The need for registration, some would say, to keep unwanted probes by LE but how does that aliviate the problem.
While others forums require registration for viewing the information on their boards, I give my respect for the administrators of this forum whom
allow viewers to read and search the threads while only requiring registration to post.
Now that is sensible, as the information is in the public domain anyway, property of the members hence open to be viewed by everyone. I like to see
other forums follow the lead of this forum , the Hive , of course they blocked out the stimulus forum to be viewed only by registered members , a
policy they should do away with to stay with an open policy, while WD is totally blocked unless one registers and it seems synthetikal also has
freedom of information issues, something they should deal with as they are becoming an established organic chemistry forum...... and the administration are just a total control site.......solo
[Edited on 12-3-2005 by solo]
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The Hive Archives
I had no problem viewing The Hive Archives over at synthetikal. They didn't even
require registration. One of the most beautiful aspects of this BOARD is the extremely
wide range of topics discussed. It's not focused on any particular area of chemistry or
physics. This is why I like it. Over at RS and other boards, they're more focused on
particular topics. To any new member coming here for the diversity, I say WELCOME !
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I keep getting an error message when trying to access the new site. Is anyone else having problems
Chemicus Diabolicus
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still getting it
I get the error message error
404: File not found
The document you requested is not found.
When I try to access the link provided
Chemicus Diabolicus
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The shroogle-adress was only temporary. They moved to
International Hazard
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Both the Hive and rhodium archives searchable
The Rhodium Archives 20MB with a searchable index...............
The Hive Archives 25MB with a searchable index...........
Note: both brought to you by a member over at ,nubee!
It's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees....Emiliano Zapata.
International Hazard
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synthetikal no more........maybe it will rise later
Well just like the day I announced a new home for the bee's , it will be no more after the 23rd of the month. because of many problems the
administration chose to shut it there will be back ups and almost all the info made available for bee's and others that want
this, but the forum will resurface in a place outside of the US where perhaps more freedom can be had, away from the land of the free, right!
There is a major announcement made by the temp administrator so if you wish to inform yourself of what happened do so here,.......
It's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees....Emiliano Zapata.
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Gee that's bad, it's the second forum in a week I'm a part of that will be folding up. 
Sure hope syn's OK.
sparky (~_~)
"What's UTFSE? I keep hearing about it, but I can't be arsed to search for the answer..."
International Hazard
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synthetikal no more........maybe it will rise later
There was this posted at WD and thought it appropiate to share with you..............solo/
New Dreamer
Posted - Jul 19 2005 : 4:12:23 PM Reply Link
Synthetikal is going down, and as of right now, there's nothing we can do about it. The creator of the site (synthetika) has decided that he can
no longer be a part of this project (read: up and left), and so I am left with the responsibility of deciding what to do next. The databases have been
backed up in multiple locations, so the data is still safe. Unfortunately, our web presence is believed to be about to come to an end, probably within
the week. As such, I would like to extend this invitation to everyone:
We have quite a bit of information available for download, and seeing as how it's not my server, and it's going down anyway, I feel we have
a responsibility to "hammer the everloving shit out of it's alloted bandwidth" (to quote myself earlier)... I'll say it again;
please, grab as much as you can suck down before our lines get cut. Download locations are as follows:
Massive E-Books collection (thanks Java!):'s%20files/E--book...
Rhodium's PDFs, main index:
New Downloadable Rhodium Archive, as of, um, ten minutes ago:
(comes complete with advanced title page:
Full index of all available PDFs from the Rhodium Archive:
Please take what you can, and let others know of it's availability. Make no mistake about it, we will not go down forever. I have pledged before,
and I'll do it again, that this information is not mine to hoard, and so it will be spread as far and wide as we can manage. Let us forever be
the thorn in the sides of those who would oppress us, and who wish to restrict what we can and cannot learn.
It's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees....Emiliano Zapata.
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Synthetikal is DEAD... as of TODAY
Synthetikal is completely dead, now. The site exceeded its bandwidth before it was shut down.
I was in the middle of backing up the E-books that were hosted there... then started getting the bandwidth exceeded error.
Java will be posting links to the rapidshare e-book links over at WD if anybody is interested
International Hazard
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list of books from synthetikal
Now as long as members download copies of the books on the list , the list will be viable and worth something othere than that the books on the list
will expired from 1-30 days , this list I copied on 7-19-05 at 7Pm when all the e-book donations had ended so I copied the pages and made sure I
privided the host source as opposed to just pdf,or djvu hence making it possible to provide you this list now, if there are books that are not linked
anymore , make your requests here on this thread, and also if you have the book someone is asking for please just upload it to rapidshare , provide
the link here on this thread, using the same tag in the list so othere can continue having an active list of books .......this is a handy way to
manage this list so do your part.....yes synthetikal is no more , .................solo/
It's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees....Emiliano Zapata.
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synthetikal gets raided by drug force police
Well we all knew it would happen one day, and to my surprise in less than 6 months,
The rise and fall in such a short time,
As with all controversial boards, law enforcing agencies love to get their finger in the pie, not that it is illegal to run such a board, freedom of
speech does give us plebs a few rights, right?
In fact it was too good to be true for the AUD drug police, how easy it was for them just to scan everyones interenet account, and search for that
special Domain(ours), and then pay a friendly visit to each law abiding member, tap there phones, and generally scare th hee-bee gee bees out of them,
The database was saved, so it is down for now, but who knows, maybee it may just return,
The chances are, that it will,
Thanks for all the support to everyone, and know that the data is not all lost, and in time, it will all come out,l
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is there an assie paper.
and any back up ref's?
please advise...
swiy standingby
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Quote: | Hi polverone,
This is a very important message, and this is the last communication i will make,
It is important for all the members to know what happened, and what is going on,
Australian Drug Force police raided many houses that were connected to synthetikal,
My phone was tapped, and I was put under surveliance and a lot of other phones were tapped,(mainly of close friends, and old addresses.)
Two drug force police questioned a friend at an old house of mine, who's phone had also been tapped about there connections to synthetikal.
They were questioned to their relationship to synthetikal
No arrests have been made, as the police seemed determined to gain admin access to the board, by bribing associates that had criminal pasts, and
This happened about 3 weeks ago, and they have been maintaing survelilance constantly since then,
It seems by what the police said, that they are monitoring all people that logg onto synthetikal, and then following up with a bust,(standard
Since I am not inolved in any criminal activity, i was not arrested, but kept under the watchful and violating eye of the law,
police have told many of my friends that all phones are tapped, and internet activity logged, so to all australians that logg onto any website, that
are doing criminal activities, it is strongly recommeded that a proxy is used for your privacy, or Japp.
My life hs been made a living hell, as so has many of my friends,
It first started when the adds dissapeared, and then my paypal account was hacked,
this seems very familiar to that which happened at the hive, firstly they infultrate the system, become an admin, and then they just sit and
continuously bust people, with no-one the wiser,
We always knew that this was going to happen, and we made steps to ensure longevity,
Within the last two weeks, some of the admins have made back-ups of the board, and I assume that it will re-appear soon,
A new domain name will be needed, but all that hard work, will not be lost, as i know how many members participated in the site,
So this time we can stop all the theorys, and hope soon that hobbyist chemistry will re-emerge,.
I personally feel violated, and am very upset about what has happened, but the one thing that is important here, is that everyone knows that the old
synthetikal is no -more, and was unsafe,
Unfortunately no-matter where the server is, police can easily gain access to people phone accounts, and trace all members that are going to
anywebsite, unless proper proxys are used,
oneday, i am sure this will all be worked out,
I gave it my best shot, and I hope all those back-ups lying around the place will come to good use.
Be safe everyone, and don't do anything that could get you into any trouble,
(out) |
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and now the commentary
<i>No arrests have been made, as the police seemed determined to gain admin access to the board, by bribing associates that had criminal
It first started when the adds dissapeared, and then my paypal account was hacked</i>
So these police who have the power to tap whoever's communications they please could not get access to the synthetikal account at the hosting
They could hack Paypal but not a single volunteer-run website?
They resorted to bribing people?
<i>this seems very familiar to that which happened at the hive, firstly they infultrate the system, become an admin, and then they just sit and
continuously bust people, with no-one the wiser</i>
If no-one is the wiser, how does anybody know it happened? Is there any proof?
<i>Unfortunately no-matter where the server is, police can easily gain access to people phone accounts, and trace all members that are going to
anywebsite, unless proper proxys are used</i>
In the US, probably even US puppet-states like Australia, there has to be a bit more than idle boredom before the police are allowed to intercept your
communications. Phone accounts don't matter: they'd need access to ISP information. Maybe that's what's meant by the above.
Neither can I imagine police of any sort being quite so overmanned and overconfident that they'd break in doors based on nothing more than
recorded visits to a drug chemistry web site.
I am sure that synthetikal is gone for now but the parting message is very strange.
[Edited on 7-21-2005 by Polverone]
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Hazard to Self

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i guess it went down earlier:
Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.
Chemicus Diabolicus
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Daeron: As it was clear, that the forum will be closed, the remaining bandwidth was used to give everyone the chance to back-up the ebooks there (>
1 GB). I think, this caused the inaccessibility of the forum even some days earlier, than planned. So trying to access the forum on their current
server later won't give any success.
Hazard to Self

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yeah i know,but i tried to access the forums for last night and this morning,and there is the same message.
im not looking for ebooks,since i have enough already just wanded to say my good byes
EDIT: daeron is an idiot who is too lazy to read other posts before his
[Edited on 21-7-2005 by daeron]
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LEA admin access? Why?
What would be the benefit of LEA admin access to the Syn board? I was to beleive that IP's were only logged for a short period, and they were
encrypted at that time. There should be no personal information, there. I would assume access to the host server would be required, but still
Does anyone know how those servers work? Are there several nodes that a signal would pass through, or just direct from user ISP to host server?
[Edited on 21-7-2005 by hAzzBEEn]
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Oh, really?
Well Synthetika, or should I say hellman, personally I think you're full of shit. This was never about the love of chemistry
for you; you wanted to make a profit. And profit you did, probably in more ways than you had expected. An entrepreneur until the very end...
I have it on very good word that between the the Google AdWords and that shitty-ass CafePress store you set up, you were raking in somewhere in the
vicinity of ~$17 a day. Seventeen dollars a day, for at LEAST many weeks on end, possibly more. And then you have the gall to turn around and ask
your members for support with the hosting fees? I've looked at SolidHost's plans; considering you didn't get a dedicated server, the
MOST they charge is $99 a month. Seeing as you only had access to two name servers (ns1 and you obviously went with the cheapest
option, which is a mere $39 a month (plus $7 for the cPanel access). So about every three days, you had enough dough to cover the next month, and yet
you still ask for more. You must have trouble sitting down, what with all that cash stuffed in your pockets.
And then you come up and say you get raided, huh? Well, you know what? It's your own dumb-ass fault for not covering even your most basic
tracks. I mean, sersiously, it took me ten seconds to find out who you are and where you can be contacted, just by doing a simple whois query. Ten fucking seconds. You regretting putting all that information online in such an
easy-to-access place? I'll bet you are.
Quote: | police have told many of my friends that all phones are tapped, and internet activity logged, so to all australians that logg onto any website, that
are doing criminal activities ... It seems by what the police said, that they are monitoring all people that logg onto synthetikal, and then following
up with a bust,(standard proceedure). |
Since when do the fucking police ever tell you what they're doing? Oh, that's right. Never. They sit and watch your ass, and then kick in
your door at four in the morning after they have something to nail you to the wall with. Don't lie to us.
Quote: | Australian Drug Force police raided many houses that were connected to synthetikal |
Quote: | Since I am not inolved in any criminal activity, i was not arrested |
You know, your story isn't lining up all that straight... Frankly, I believe very little of it, other than the fact that you weren't cut out
for this job in the first place.
Quote: | this seems very familiar to that which happened at the hive, firstly they infultrate the system, become an admin, and then they just sit and
continuously bust people, with no-one the wiser, |
Oh, I'm sorry, you must be new here. That's not what happened to the hive, asshat. And Polverone hit the nail on the head; how would you
know that if no-one's the wiser?
Quote: | Within the last two weeks, some of the admins have made back-ups of the board, and I assume that it will re-appear soon, |
Yeah, you'd assume because you didn't have to fucking deal with it. Yes, I made backups (nightly). Yes, they're distributed across
multiple machines for redundancy. No, you didn't have a god damn thing to do with it. You assume it will reappear soon; well, you're
right, but it won't be as Synthetikal. I have plans for this data, and until I get word back from those I've been in contact with I'll
keep it under my hat, but I guarantee that our members are going to like what happens. This doesn't belong to me, and it will be returned to its
rightful place - the community.
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The most disgusting is that Hellman scares the shit out of all australian members just for to disguise his own failures.
Thats mean!
National Hazard
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for the past 2 days message is Bandwidth Limit exceed. Temporarily not available.
International Hazard
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If you read upthread, you would be able to surmise that we already knew that fact...
sparky (~_~)
P.S. Go change your signature, will ya?
"What's UTFSE? I keep hearing about it, but I can't be arsed to search for the answer..."
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