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Author: Subject: Climate Science for the Amateur
International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 06:49

Quote: Originally posted by hissingnoise  
Blogfast, I suppose the grudging admission that man's activities have "some effect" on climate counts as progress!

Most of them do now. Jo Nova does. But the effect is tiiiiiinnnyy, you know? :D:D

Varmint/franklyn is of course in the really stupid category: in his jolly world view it's all a conspiracy, man! Larger than 9/11! AGW scientists can teach The Chimperor a thing or two! No Bond villain has yet come up with anything that can match it!

And just because we hate ourselves too...

[Edited on 22-7-2015 by blogfast25]

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 06:51

]pissingnoise: If the climate is changing . . . ?

Even stick insects know that global warming is occurring, but you, apparently, haven't yet quite reached their admittedly low level of "awareness'!

In that context, to call you 'simpleton' simply does not do you justice!

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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 06:57


How else can one justify your continued belief in a religion that was caught lying to you? People line up in droves to figuratively self-flaggelate themselves for their perceived impact on the planet, the air, the disrespectful littering of the moon. It's in their DNA to feel guilt.

It's not my fault you happen to come off as "one of them", you've allowed yourself to accept gay as "normal", you've accepted non-contributors as members of society every bit as "valid" as those supporting them, and you go out of your way to belittle those who do not toe the progressive line of utter and complete bullshit.

Go back and read your posts, especially those to me on these topics. The thing you seem to be most pissed off about is they hooked you into their claptrap, and I avoid it with great pride.

I'm not against gays, I'm against gays wanting special privilege.

I'm not against "brown people", I'm against them ruining their countries, then coming up here to ruin mine while playing the poor helpless" card as they suck on the government teat.

I don't loathe black people (my son in law is black), but I loathe those that continue to use race and "slavery" as bludgeons. They've been given ample opportunity to get their act together, but the fact is, worldwide, the North American black is seen as a problem of their own creation.

The vast majority of blacks I work with currently are "islanders" from Jamaica, and other islands throughout the Caribbean. Each and every one of them is a hard working, dedicated, and are happy to make something of themselves. And each of them shakes their heads in disgust at the laziness, the entitlement mentality, and the outright unwillingness to put in any effort of any kind by their American counterparts. What the islanders will do though is take advantage (not in a negative connotation) of various workplace offerings like paying for ongoing education, something they understand as good for them, good for the company. Their counterparts? They simply cannot be bothered, "I ain't got time fo that shit", and when they see the islanders moving up the same corporate ladder they have access to, they will actually look down on the islanders for "trying to be white, and being rewarded for it."

Have a nice day bloggie, and don't forget to tell me how stupid I am, what a dinosaur I am, how none of what I say could possibly be true, because I didn't drink the progressive Koolaid.

It's just what you guys do, so don't hold back, it won't affect me in any way, but I know you've been conditioned to believe that shouting down the opposition makes you feel better.

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 06:58

All this talking increases the problem because it uses energy created from burning coal. What have any of you done personally to reduce the problems you believe exist. Talking does not count.

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" Richard Feynman
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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 07:05

Quote: Originally posted by IrC  
If that 50 percent is working to destroy America then hatred is all they deserve. America is about far more than merely being born here. Those who work to destroy the work and dreams of generations have no place in the land.

Right. Show me a mechanism by which you'll identify these 'undesirables' and what you'll do to ensure they're removed. Understand also that the other side often feels the same about you.

This is the US's modern Greek drama in a nutshell: while the two halves ('libs' and 'cons') of the 99 % are at each others throats, the 1 % walks away with the bone. The one that's made of solid gold.

[Edited on 22-7-2015 by blogfast25]

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 07:10

Quote: Originally posted by Varmint  

Have a nice day bloggie, and don't forget to tell me how stupid I am, what a dinosaur I am, [...]

You've seared it into my memory. Hard to forget, after that...

The rest of your spiel is irrelevant: what do blacks, gays and your putrid Conservatism have anything to do here?

[Edited on 22-7-2015 by blogfast25]

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 07:13

Quote: Originally posted by IrC  
All this talking increases the problem because it uses energy created from burning coal. What have any of you done personally to reduce the problems you believe exist. Talking does not count.

That's deeply dishonest IrC: you would be the first to totally RIDICULE any individual efforts made and declared. And why shouldn't you? After all it's a pyramid scheme to help the 1 % to carbon credits, is it not?

Individuals can and will make a (small) contribution to solving the problem. But a global problem requires state actors to take action. No individual can make a national electricity grid carbon neutral, only nation STATES can do that. Follow on from there and we might be going somewhere towards halting global warming.

[Edited on 22-7-2015 by blogfast25]

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 08:10

Quote: Originally posted by Varmint  

I'm not against gays, I'm against gays wanting special privilege.

@ Varmint
Being from New York the birth place of the queer movement , there are people here from every walk of life and belief , being intolerant marks one as the exception. I'm against assholes demanding special privilege. Blog's cannot abide that there can be dissenting or even minority view. When he resorts to Ad Hominem diatribes , it's an open concession of having lost the argument. The hissingnoise fan club cannot complete a thought which is greater than one line of text , endlessly chanting the same religious mantra.

@ mayko
I recognize you are a thoughtful and informed on this topic and likely read the primary sources. I freely concede much of my information is from secondary sources , commentators who interpret the data and take a different perhaps contrarian view. This alone speaks to the inherent uncertainty of prognostication. Assertions that the conclusion is incontrovertible are disingenuous. The proponents of this agenda are the ones undermining public confidence in the study of climate modeling. If the present trend should continue it will be 2 ºC in another 130 years. Us deniers will concede then that the debate is over. The premise that a change in climate is preventable by going ' green ' means regressing to a far more ecologically destructive preindustrial economy and can do absolutely nothing for the fact that change is beyond human ability to control on a planetary scale , and is for all practical intents and purposes unavoidable. The only available option for preventing large scale impact to the environment due to a hotter climate is the one you disapprove of for your own ulterior reasons.


Techniques to Disrupt, Deviate and Seize Control of an Internet Forum In case you wonder W T F ! is going on here ?
www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2012-10-28/cointelpro-techniques-dilution-misdirection-and-control-internet-forum https://web.archive.org/web/20120814124000/www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/08/the-15-rules-of-internet-disinformation.html
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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 09:11

Quote: Originally posted by blogfast25  
That's deeply dishonest IrC: you would be the first to totally RIDICULE any individual efforts made and declared.

Just as with hissies use of the term grudging you both imply you know what I think, what I know, where I am coming from and what I would do. On top of calling me a liar, i.e., dishonest. Problem is in all of the above points you know nothing. Zero knowledge, zero information. You do not know me. Add to this the fact that you hissie have a common MO and that is speaking in the vast majority of threads to others with insults, rudeness, judgmental attitudes, in general have a tendency to treat a very large percentage of members here with absolute contempt to the extreme. I have known ropes with better personalities.

"Right. Show me a mechanism by which you'll identify these 'undesirables' and what you'll do to ensure they're removed. Understand also that the other side often feels the same about you."

I have no need to identify 'these undesirables' nor any need to have them removed. This is the MO of the left as history has demonstrated many times for example Stalin, Mao, POL Pot, Che, others. How ironic and illuminating that the left treats these names as heroes. Actually discussed being done to the right in America (the quote being get rid of at least 25 million) by leftist radicals meeting in the 80's as reported by an FBI informant.

This is all history and cannot be refuted. How many innocent have and yet future will pay the price for the mindless insanity of those on the left. Thus far in the hundreds of millions in just the 20th century alone. The conservatives you despise (by your own many comments) have the mindset to live and let live. Thus it is only those who think as you (and all on the left) do who entertain thoughts of removing 'undesirables' for to live and let live is as alien a thought to you as simple common decency and compassion for their fellow citizens. Again borne out in history many times. As far as identifying the left there is no need they identify themselves every single time they speak. Neither is there any need to remove any since by their very natures they always bring on their own downfall. No effort is required by any on the right. Conservatives prefer to live in peace and be left alone. The left mistakes this as weakness and ignorance since they are so blind to rational thinking truth escapes them.

To say man has some effect on the temperature is no 'grudging' admission it is merely thermodynamics, the energy not lost to radiation is additive. Yet how many quadrillion joules does it take to raise the temperature by one degree in the entire mass of rock water and air of the planet and what percentage is man caused and what amount of change to the albedo of earth as a whole is man caused for in this lies the entire dispute. What percentage of heat is caused by cycles in the activity of the sun and why is this always concealed or omitted in the data. The predictions are based upon a poorly designed computer model evidenced by both failed predictions over the years as well as all the efforts at altering the data to conceal the reality which has been revealed upon many occasions. These efforts are counterproductive for they destroy any credibility GW proponents would hope to have. Again those who prefer truth and reality see the hypocrisy and will never be swayed by lies. Trying to make yourselves appear right through use of insults and treating opponents with contempt merely serves to strengthen the resolve of those on the right. As is usual you underestimate both the intelligence, strength, and resolve of all those you despise.

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" Richard Feynman
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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 09:43

Quote: Originally posted by IrC  

"Right. Show me a mechanism by which you'll identify these 'undesirables' and what you'll do to ensure they're removed. Understand also that the other side often feels the same about you."

I have no need to identify 'these undesirables' nor any need to have them removed.

You said it, you own it, dear:

Quote: Originally posted by IrC  
If that 50 percent is working to destroy America then hatred is all they deserve. America is about far more than merely being born here. Those who work to destroy the work and dreams of generations have no place in the land.

Abuses of power are not the prerogative of either the Left or the Right, as well you know.

What you utterly fail to understand is that WHOEVER you will be voting for ('Dem' or 'Rep') doesn't have your interests at heart at ALL. So keep thinking polar and believing Jeb! (or Hillary) could lead to your salvation.

As one thinking Conservative wrote a few days ago:

Funny thing is, if Bush wins, 99% of Republicans will consider his election "Mission Accomplished" and go back to sleep until they receive the inevitable outsourcing pink slip.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I may be 'left' but I've more respect for solid Conservative thinking than you might expect. But not for the anti-science/anti-reason Klown Kar that is the GOP preznit candidates. Good luck with signing your own life away, while crapping your panties about non-existent communist goblins!

I don't know you? You're right. And you don't know me either.

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 09:52

Quote: Originally posted by franklyn  
Blog's cannot abide that there can be dissenting or even minority view.

You shitpost here all the time. Spare me your fake persecution complex.

Why should I have respect for anyone promoting water based perpetuum mobiles and defending the main culprit of that affair as the 'unfortunate inventor'? (Don't make me link now!)

You are bonkers and most here know it. So you get a little counter fire, so what? Go cry in your tomato juice. And DON'T confuse truth with civility, you snake oil merchant.

Quote: Originally posted by franklyn  
The premise that a change in climate is preventable by going ' green ' means regressing to a far more ecologically destructive preindustrial economy

More nonsense from the village idiot. These are the fears denial is based on. No surprise that a pathological paranoid like you believes it. Balderdash and piffle!

No group is more afflicted by conspiratorial paranoid thinking than the US libertarian conservative side of politics. QED.

[Edited on 22-7-2015 by blogfast25]

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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 10:38


Spot on. I don't despise gays, I despise them having "pride parades" which are really designed to be in your face "tell us we're not creepy, or else" parades. Pride in what? I'm not "proud" to be hetero, I just AM. Instead, they need the rest of us to embrace their "lifestyle" not as a matter of social harmony, but a militant, again, in your face, "accept us or else". Much was make about the bakery not caring to make a cake for a gay wedding. Well, that to me sounds like the perfect opportunity for some gay entrepreneurs to set out to create bakeries that specifically cater to the gay element. And they should have every right to refuse service to "straight" couples, just as, in a truly just world, the "straight" bakery should have been able to refuse service to anyone they choose.

I don't despise other religions, I despise that they have the nerve to try and have all vestiges of my religion, in a largely "my" religion country removed because it offends them, yet they want to impose Sharia law on ME.

I don't despise Mexicans, or even those who seek a better life. What I do despise is those breaking laws and invading our country illegally, and I doubly-despise those that enable them (including those who hire them) by postulating it's "their right" to break our laws and have the leftists cut them in on the social security they haven't paid into, or the social services they overwhelm, again, not having paid a dime themselves to support said services.

I don't despise blacks, just those that assume I am part and parcel of their problem. Their problem is on of culture, or stark lack thereof. When the black kid that studies hard and gets good grades is shunned or even beaten for "acting white", that's not a problem I caused, that's a fundamental, ingrained, institutionalized victimhood mentality that is actively being propped up by the race baiters. Remember Tawana Brawley? Why is Al Sharpton -0-bama's "race czar"? Because he actively promotes the victimhood counter-culture, and that's their built in excuse for every bad action. How about asking that smart black kid if he or she can help you learn too? LOL, much easier to claim the white man is holding you back, and beat the smart kid for being white, then blame it on the white guy because he didn't embrace your bad behavior as valid.

I have no vested interest in gay culture. I'm not glad they exist, I'm not sad they exist, what's wrong with just not giving a shit what somebody else does if it doesn't affect me or impune my character? I'm not less of a person for not embracing them, if they were so certain of their "lifestyle" they wouldn't need my approval anyway. So why the demand I embrace them? Why the demand that those with views diametrically opposed "serve" them? It's all about special treatment. They don't want equality, they want to be "special".

Similarly, blacks never wanted equality, they want special treatment. Newsflash: No one, even in the ancient history of my family tree ever had a slave, or even knew anyone who had a slave. It's not merely location, its a money thing. Probably 95% of people never understood how much a slave actually cost. Not ongoing upkeep, but pure purchase price. None of my family ever got anywhere near anyone with that kind of money. And they think blacks were routinely mistreated as slaves? Hollywood lie. The initial cost was so high, and the loss of expected productivity so daunting, the extreme vast majority of slave owners did everything they could to keep their workers healthy and in good spirits, this wasn't about making life easy on the homestead, this was about insuring the productivity of vast plantations.

The saddest part is how far we've gone backwards since "the civil rights movement". I'm not daring to suggest it was a bad idea, I'm plainly stating it was a turning point where "they" decided they could get more by just choosing to ride the wave the wave of resentment, rather than stand firm and let it pass by. It opened the door to what seems to be an endless string of favoritism and outright pandering, but it's not paying off for anyone, it's simply getting worse.

As usual, the biggest player in all of this is the media. No where on earth could you refer to someone with running water, heating and air-conditioning, multiple TVs, multiple vehicles, and a family wearing $250/pair sneakers as "poor", but our media does. You might have all of the same stuff, same sized house, same cars, same TVs, same strange attraction to sneakers, and if you have a jet-ski or boat, now suddenly YOU ARE RICH, and the subject of much disgust and hand-wringing, all because you dared to work some overtime, had a second job, or whatever "offense" you committed that allowed you to have MORE.

The leftist solution is simple, everyone should "suffer" the same. They aren't saying everyone should enjoy the same level of success, because success is an evil white concept, but everyone should be on "a level playing field", which of course is code for bust down those that are prone to succeed, and prop those who have no intention of succeeding up, so we're all approximately the same. That's the dream anyway, until they find out they too have to step down a few notches, then of course it's not the idea that was wrong, somebody just broke the starry-eyed implementation.

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Forum Drunkard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 10:52

I despise gay people who introduce themselves as such.

The annoyance is that they prod forth their sexual inclination for an introduction, as if that is the primary thing to note of their entire existence.

If it were a job interview, i'd be accused of being homophobic, whereas i'd actually be looking for someone more interested in the Work than their own sexual proclivities.

"Hi. My name's Steve. Thanks for the chance to work with you here in ..."
"Hi. My name's Steve and i'm Gay, in a Stable gay relationship with Steve."

I'd choose the first Steve, regardless of if he were gay or not.

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 11:04


we don't need to refute bad science, they did that in their own words as they sought how best to mislead their fellow worshippers. [...] I read the emails, there is no need to even discuss the global warming subject ever again. It's settled. [...] We can continue to discuss various reports, cross-post various studies supporting either "side", but the facts are climate change faithful will do anything to keep the funds rolling in, and of course justify their lies so they can continue to be considered "valid" scientists, expecting of course to remain fundable for the next study grant.

This is not just a painfully transparent ploy to avoid engaging with the physical basis of the issue and the data at hand (or as I like to call it, 'doing science'). This is also a terrible perspective on scientific scandal and fraud.

There is nothing specific to address, since Varmint just keeps repeating that they've read the leaked CRU emails (so have I, broskalooni, and Cablegate they ain't). So the best response is to contrast this putative fraud with a known, uncontroversial case, such as the Schon affair.

Although Schon was caught fabricating data, it occurred to no one to claim that his field, solid-state electronics, was rotten to the core. Moreover, no one needed to play cyber-James Bond to catch him. Suspicion turned upon his results, first when anomalies were discovered in his publications, and this solidified when his results could not be replicated.

By contrast, the HadCRU temperature data had been in broad agreement with other datasets, such as NASA's GISS, for a long time. Some time after CRU's Phil Jones had been cleared of wrongdoing by multiple independent investigations, the Berkley Earth Surface Temperature record was established, again agreeing in broad detail with the CRU data. Unless Varmint wants to invoke a conspiracy of tinfoil proportions, in a very competitive field of research, there's no case for simply throwing all extant data in the garbage.

Speaking of garbage, since this is pretty much the only plank in Varmint's platform on the subject, I feel ok piping their posts directly to /dev/null, homophobia and all.

If you really must pursue such conspiracies, there is already a thread in which they are on-topic: Economy drives global warming advocates?. This is a thread for the sharing of resources among people who are actually interested in geophysics.

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 11:25

Quote: Originally posted by blogfast25  
Quote: Originally posted by IrC  

"Right. Show me a mechanism by which you'll identify these 'undesirables' and what you'll do to ensure they're removed. Understand also that the other side often feels the same about you."

I have no need to identify 'these undesirables' nor any need to have them removed.

You said it, you own it, dear:

Quote: Originally posted by IrC  
If that 50 percent is working to destroy America then hatred is all they deserve. America is about far more than merely being born here. Those who work to destroy the work and dreams of generations have no place in the land.

Abuses of power are not the prerogative of either the Left or the Right, as well you know.

What you utterly fail to understand is that WHOEVER you will be voting for ('Dem' or 'Rep') doesn't have your interests at heart at ALL. So keep thinking polar and believing Jeb! (or Hillary) could lead to your salvation.

As one thinking Conservative wrote a few days ago:

Funny thing is, if Bush wins, 99% of Republicans will consider his election "Mission Accomplished" and go back to sleep until they receive the inevitable outsourcing pink slip.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I may be 'left' but I've more respect for solid Conservative thinking than you might expect. But not for the anti-science/anti-reason Klown Kar that is the GOP preznit candidates. Good luck with signing your own life away, while crapping your panties about non-existent communist goblins!

I don't know you? You're right. And you don't know me either.

Rational truthful thinking must be hard for you. I said "If that 50 percent is working to destroy America then hatred is all they deserve. America is about far more than merely being born here. Those who work to destroy the work and dreams of generations have no place in the land".

Both statements are absolutely true and rational, simple common sense. If one is working to destroy your home they deserve no kindness whatsoever. No respect, no love. The opposite of love is hatred. Likewise those working to destroy your home have no place in it. Only a complete idiot fool would gladly house their destroyer. It was you that by the way your thought process work who turned this into the actual act of removing those enemies quote ""Right. Show me a mechanism by which you'll identify these 'undesirables' and what you'll do to ensure they're removed. Understand also that the other side often feels the same about you."". I did not say this you did, I do not own this you do for it is your own words not mine. The difference since obviously you cannot see it with understanding is your approach requires violence whereas the physical act of removal was not brought up in any of my words yet this is what you are claiming I am saying. Virtually all of your error comes from your preconceived notions based upon how you would handle things as well as your preconceived notions on how others would. Evidenced by yet another statement from you "IrC: you would be the first to totally RIDICULE any individual efforts made and declared." where there is nothing you can bring in as evidence showing this is how I would act or what I would do. This is nothing more than a false accusation by you based upon no more than your own perverted thought process. Further evidence of how you would handle things therefore in your mind this is how another would act "And why shouldn't you? After all it's a pyramid scheme to help the 1 % to carbon credits, is it not?". It could not have been made more clear by you. That is, you assume others would do as you would think to do. Problem with this is you are wrong every time, at least until you are considering someone who thinks as you do. Another example is your statement of belief a conservative would vote for Jeb. A Rhino would, a true conservative would not. Myself I would vote for satan before Jeb at least I know where he stands, what he would do. The devil does not hide his evil, Jeb does. Yet again you do not know me nor do you know how I or any true conservative would think or act. Quite simply because you endlessly project upon all others your thinking, you mistakenly assume others will think and act in any given circumstance the way you would. A crook says to himself so what if I'm crooked everyone else is. The error is obviously everyone else is not although far too many are today. Anyone who would take the oath to defend America and the constitution while promoting an uncontrolled criminal invasion is crooked. If elected there is zero doubt this is precisely what Jeb would do evidenced by both his words as well as actual past policy decisions. What you seem to not understand is the difference in how the right VS the left would handle things. The right would use the law to protect and preserve the rule of law. The left craps on cop cars or did you miss the OWS demonstrations.

On topic you just have to love stories like this:


fanta_large.jpg - 81kB

[Edited on 7-22-2015 by IrC]

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" Richard Feynman
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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 11:33

Quote: Originally posted by aga  
I despise gay people who introduce themselves as such.

You do realise why gay people up to very recently where mostly in the 'closet', right? How many people do you actually know that introduce themselves as 'Hi, I'm Steve and I'm Gay!', huh?

My best friend in a work place many years ago was gay and refused to let it be known to his colleagues. For fear of commentary, judgement and worse. No 'Hi, I'm Gay' for my bud, apparently.

Same with 'they want special rights'. What? Equality is special rights now?

Or 'Gay pride parades': Varmint, if you can't see the context there then you're an ahistorical imbecile and illiterate.

The 'modern' attitude to gays is: 'I don't mind them BUT [insert idiocy of your choice].

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 11:36

Quote: Originally posted by IrC  

On topic you just have to love stories like this:


Alex Jones, dear? I leave that to franklyn. His cup of tea, totally. Don't forget to take Jones' super male vitality pills! :P

As regards the rest, a big, big YAAAAWNN! Next time try RED, ALLCAPS, BOLDED ITALICS.

[Edited on 22-7-2015 by blogfast25]

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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 12:09


LOL. Another global warming sect came to the rescue with similarly fudged data, game over?

Look, I know you want to believe, there is nothing anyone can do to help you. If all of the global clans came together, said there is something wrong with recording temperatures in a new way (duh) and their newly adjusted data shows there is no trend up or down, you'd be hunting the internet for someone, anyone who would prove them wrong. You are invested, you've embraced data from people who cannot be trusted, and you'll use data from another sect to try and prop up your new religion. This will never change, and all I can say is I admire your willingness to be mislead. Most people have a hard time committing so completely, you set a new standard.
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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 12:17

Varmint, your disdain for replicability in science is clear. Please restrict your evidence-free postings to the Whimsy thread linked above, where they will be on topic.

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 12:32


When Varmint's car breaks down he takes it to a (preferably white and straight) potato merchant because you can't trust certified car mechanics, you see?

Varmint's suspicious of AGW because he thinks teh gey are stealing his tax dollars to buy pink underwear with. ;)

[Edited on 22-7-2015 by blogfast25]

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 12:34


My disdain for global warming "scientists" is EVERYONE (including yourself) knows they are being paid to present a specified outcome. This is why they had to come up with sanctioned name-calling for those who choose not to worship at their altar.

If their science was good, there would be no reason to stoop so low.

So, embrace it, live it, take solice in it, and just call me a DENIER, that's what the mothership tells you to do, avoid their instruction at your own peril.
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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 12:44

You're right Varmint, scientists shouldn't be salaried for their toil. Perish the thought!

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Forum Drunkard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 12:44

Quote: Originally posted by blogfast25  
The 'modern' attitude to gays is: 'I don't mind them BUT [insert idiocy of your choice].

Personally i have absolutely no interest at all in what other people do with their reproductive organs or other sphyncters.

I am not best pleased when their sexual preferences are rammed in my face at first meeting, as if that is all that matters to anyone, ever.

It is simply egocentric bad manners.

Having been annoyed with this for a while, i have a concise yet explicit repartee prepared regarding my own sexual inclination.

I don't get out much, so highly unlikely that i'll have to deploy it.

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 12:47

Quote: Originally posted by aga  

I am not best pleased when their sexual preferences are rammed in my face at first meeting, as if that is all that matters to anyone, ever.

Are these gays you talk of genetically modified? Mine just don't do that! :D

And yes, sexual orientation still matters a WHOLE LOT to some people, aga. Don't pretend to be blind!

[Edited on 22-7-2015 by blogfast25]

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 22-7-2015 at 12:49

Quote: Originally posted by mayko  
Varmint, your disdain for replicability in science is clear. Please restrict your evidence-free postings to the Whimsy thread linked above, where they will be on topic.

Please restrict all postings in this thread and related ones to Whimsy, IMO. This is all time that could be much better spent talking about actually relevant chemistry topics. This is all just name-calling back and forth with no possible resolution.

Nobody ever convinced anybody of anything over the internet.
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