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Author: Subject: A true story about a true raid.
Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 18-4-2015 at 20:07

The police are sick pieces of shit. Do not talk to the police.

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 19-4-2015 at 07:08

Quote: Originally posted by learningChem  
The police are sick pieces of shit. Do not talk to the police.

Now, now. The majority of LEO are decent people doing a difficult job, often well.

Broad generalisations like yours are as stupid as the prejudices with regards amateur science that we object to.

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Forum Hillbilly

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[*] posted on 19-4-2015 at 11:54

Quote: Originally posted by blogfast25  
Quote: Originally posted by learningChem  
The police are sick pieces of shit. Do not talk to the police.

Now, now. The majority of LEO are decent people doing a difficult job, often well.

Broad generalisations like yours are as stupid as the prejudices with regards amateur science that we object to.

You have to account for the mindset required for the occupation, and the long term effects of the stress these people are living with.

I would have to agree that LEO(s) in high response areas are NOT the nicest people that you will run across.
LEO(s) in suburban areas are in fact just fellas with a job to do like anyone else. That said, a large part of their job involves lying, and depict.
I for one can easily understand the sentiment that LearningChem portrays. I'm not saying I agree but the basis for his feeling is easy to understand.

They have perhaps the single most difficult job (mentally) on the planet. How do you really go out into a world of human garbage, then come home, and be a loving provider, and source of inspiration for an average family.
I couldn't do it.

They tried to have me "put to sleep" so I came back to return the favor.
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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 19-4-2015 at 12:52

My lab has never gotten busted, but if it was I would never talk to the police. Everything that comes out of my mouth during an "interview" would be an admission of guilt in their eyes, especially since certain of my political statements have already profiled me as an antigovernment extremist.

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National Hazard

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[*] posted on 19-4-2015 at 13:24

Quote: Originally posted by LanthanumK  
My lab has never gotten busted, but if it was I would never talk to the police. Everything that comes out of my mouth during an "interview" would be an admission of guilt in their eyes, especially since certain of my political statements have already profiled me as an antigovernment extremist.

In my opinion, that is a very sensible approach.

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The Volatile Chemist
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[*] posted on 19-4-2015 at 13:53

Hah, wow, that's some story! I Almost want the police to investigate me just to have such an awesome story to tell! But I feel you're pain. Sorry that had to happen to you... :/

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Forum Drunkard

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[*] posted on 19-4-2015 at 14:17

Answering any questions in a Police Interview is basically a way to drop yourself into the shit.

Whatever the supposed crime is of no importance, neither is your guilt or lack thereof.

Wait for your lawyer to arrive before giving out anything other than name, address, occupation, and other identifiers.

Police deal with 99.9% shit, and do their best to get them locked up.

Lawyers understand the Legal System that follows arrest, and know better than any of us how to manipulate it.

I include Lawyers in the 99.9% that the Police have to deal with.

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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 19-4-2015 at 17:32

Reading through this thread, I believe it belongs in Legal & Societal Issues. In my opinion though, I have no reason to think that anything in this post is fabricated. Law enforcement say they are here to "protect and serve", but from what I see, it's "ticket and arrest". Law enforcement shows up after a crime is committed. When a civilian is shot, it winds up on a detectives desk and it only gets the attention and time that he wants to put into solving it, but if it is one of them, all resources of law enforcement are brought to bear in solving the crime to the exclusion of everything else. Quotas on tickets every month, and to move up, number of arrests, good or bad. They could care less if it's a bad arrest, no sweat off their backs. They get paid to arrest people. After the arrest, you're in the system and it doesn't affect them one bit. Sorry for the rambling, but knowing numerous people in law enforcement, this is what I've come to believe, for what it's worth.
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[*] posted on 19-4-2015 at 17:57

I don't have a lab as much as a mead/beer/wine hobby room. But I have a lot of questions. First, did the cops have a warrant to search your house? If so, then someone ratted you out. One of the "normals" (the confederacy of idiots is real) most likely. If they did have a warrant, then you have little choice unless you want to be arrested or die; you have to let them in. Did they cuff you? Were you antagonistic from the get go? If they didn't have a warrant how did they get in your house? I understand you were woken up (a freaking terrifying experience and IMO cheap shot by the cops) so you have a reason to be upset. Do you know how they knew? How many other encounters have you had with the cops?

First... MOST people, not just the ones that are cops are dumb as dirt. Only a small percentage is intelligent enough to have the empathy to see that you aren't a criminal or realize your lab isn't a meth or /insert other drug here/ factory. Most people see a lab and think "drugs" or even worse "terrorist." And given recent events and the intelligence of most people, how can you blame them?

The OP and all of us need to understand that dealing with the police is just like dealing with any other wild animal. You have to take control of the situation by doing what needs to be done as the "alpha being" in the situation. You wouldn't tell a tiger about to maul you that it "isn't right" because you haven't done anything to offend the tiger would you? Would you try to reason with a gorilla in the jungle? No. In the preceding examples who takes credit for how the situation evolves? The tiger or gorilla? Come on now.

Same thing with cops. YOU are in control of what happens next. If a cop knocks on my door, I'm polite. If he wants to come in, I ask why. If he won't tell me, I ask to see a warrant. If he gets belligerent and doesn't have a warrant I close the door and call 911. If he has a warrant I SHUT UP and let him in. I call my lawyer. I SAY NOTHING except to tell him that my lawyer is on the way and he can direct any questions to him. I leave the house and sit down outside to wait for the lawyer and talk to NO ONE.

Now... if the cop is knocking on my door to ask for help or to ask a question about something that happened in my area I do everything I can to help. Cops are people too. They remember who isn't an asshole. Most people act like assholes to cops. Remember that.

[Edited on 20-4-2015 by MannyE]

[Edited on 20-4-2015 by MannyE]
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[*] posted on 19-4-2015 at 18:02

Quote: Originally posted by learningChem  
The police are sick pieces of shit. Do not talk to the police.


Sweeping generalization that can also be said about most of humanity.
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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 20-4-2015 at 14:02

Cops by definition 'enforce' whatever criminal dictates the politicians want enforced. So, my sweeping generalization is accurate and reasoned.

You are free to think that most of humanity are pieces of shit, though they can never compete with cops. Or the military for that matter.

[Edited on 20-4-2015 by learningChem]
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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 20-4-2015 at 14:11

Ignoring selective enforcement while we profane entire countries and occupations.
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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 20-4-2015 at 14:16

Quote: Originally posted by learningChem  
Cops by definition 'enforce' whatever criminal dictates the politicians want enforced. So, my sweeping generalization is accurate and reasoned.

No, it's a form of bigotry, not to mention that you've actually changed your statement.

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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 20-4-2015 at 14:23

I didn't change anything blogfast. Oh, and at first I 'politely' ignored you but now I won't. If my original post was stupid, then yours was ten times as stupid.

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 20-4-2015 at 14:33

Okay, great. We all understand you seemingly hate police, military, and even America (presumably the U.S.). You made your point. Can we stay on topic? Back the sciencemadness and all to which it pertains?
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Forum Hillbilly

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[*] posted on 20-4-2015 at 14:35

My second wife fit your description Learning. If that helps any.

In fact she was probably tens times as much so. :P

They tried to have me "put to sleep" so I came back to return the favor.
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Hazard to Others

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[*] posted on 20-4-2015 at 14:39

And what description do you have in mind, exactly?
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The Volatile Chemist
International Hazard

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[*] posted on 20-4-2015 at 14:49

LOL zombie. :)
I guess a police investigation wouldn't be too nice, especially if a lawyer was necessary.

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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 20-4-2015 at 14:51


There are ways to criticise police, politicians and the military (and whatever else) that are for more effective than your anodyne and fairly meaningless 'they're all pieces of shit'. You'll learn that someday, somehow too...

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Hazard to Self

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[*] posted on 21-4-2015 at 13:50

Anyhow, back to the subject at hand...

I don't understand why someone would come here to lie, which is counter-intuitive to anyone who values or practices the scientific method. I can't see any motivation to do so that would affect a positive/profitable outcome. Maybe I'm just naive, but i would have HOPED that most people here would be devout "truth-sayers". Not to cast aspersions on anyone's judgement or opinion.

Wolfgangg, I can assure you that your experience, whilst unwelcome, is at the "less extreme end of the scale", so to speak. I'm glad for you that it wasn't worse, and recognize the negative effects of said events.

[Edited on 22-4-2015 by MrBlank1]

AAAAA = Australian Association Against Acronym Abuse
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International Hazard

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[*] posted on 26-4-2015 at 15:54

To my way of thinking, every word of this account...rings true!

Also true, LEOs have a very tough job, and I couldn't do it. I got too much inner violence, and being a decent cop is beyond my abilities. Unfortunately, we need LEOs. And, as crazy as some of 'em are.....for the most part, they keep us safe.

As for Wolfie..... How did the porcines, sniff out you lair? Something brought them to your door, and it wasn't truffles.

Perhaps, you somehow violated the prime directive..... " A gentleman should at all times, avoid the appearance of impropriety."

In these troubled times, a visible test tube....or a triple beam balance; well, that can be enough to summon the troops.

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