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Nobody knows up to now the reasons why the HIVE and Rhodium´s went offline.
Of course donations will be welcome all time, but senting up funds is not our business at all, but the business of the administration there.
I hope though that there will be a possibility in future to get the HIVE downloaded, as this whats happening now shows that the monopolisation of
information doesnt work for but against the idea of freedom of information.
The HIVE should at least remove its restrictions for the public accessible forums to be archivied in the wayback machine.
Thats just my opinion of course.
Hazard to Self

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Abolt made a farewell comment a day or so before The Hive went down, and I wonder whether he knew something.
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Either the HIVE or most of its information will show up again sooner or later.
For sure.
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rhodium zip
Anyone know when the latest zipped up version of the Rhodium site was made? Not sure if I have the latest. Is it available for download anywhere
International Hazard
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Ref: Rhodium's Archived Files
I downloaded the archives on Nov.23rd 2004, I guess that's pretty close to the most recent however its 34MB of data ......Maybe I can upload it
to axhandle's FTP I need to see if it's all right to do that ....let me contact him and find out then I will upnote this post......solo
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That would be great if you could do that solo, mine's a little out of date.
To anyone that is interested, the anonymising socks proxy, Tor, handles ftp OK for anonymous uploads/downloads. You'd need a socks compatible ftp
client to do this. On Linux, the only GUI client I could find that worked was IglooFTP-PRO (I hate the command line).
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Ok then it's in the ftp on the upload file , in a zip format,.....I didn't hear from axhandle so I went ahead and uploaded ....I hope I
don't get banned......solo
It's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees....Emiliano Zapata.
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Thankyou my son
May your good karma rest eternally upon your soul.
I doubt that Axehandle will object, on account of him being one of the good guys.
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| as of Dec 2 ish:
"Nothing here, nor will it be. Please do not write us about it. Thanks!"
Swim wasn't worried before but this doesn't give good feelings as to the sites return anytime soon.
Methinks this may not bode well.
But perhaps it's just paranoia.
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Thats disgusting.
Hazard to Self

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Not Necessarily Bad
Well I can't connect to The Hive and hence don't get that message. Besides, that message could have been put there by the current server
admins rather than The Hive admins. They are probably waiting for the DNS records to update completely so that requests for The Hive don't
resolve to their IP address any longer.
RE. Rhodium's archive. I retrieved a copy from axehandle's server and it is old: latest update being 2004-1-23. I don't know whether
this is the file solo uploaded. I have a more recent copy that could be uploaded, updated 2004-8-8.
Rhodium's site was confusing because the stated archive date was never the same as the actual archive date.
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So, how long till a re-vival? A month is my bet, any takers?
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Nothing here..nor will it be
I really hope you're right about this HRH (that the message is from the host rather than the admins).
I was viewing a russian chemistry board recently and the hive was being discussed in a thread (babelfish translation so it was a bit garbled) but
someone seemed to be suggesting that antoncho had posted at another board and the downtime may not be so temporary.
I will try and post a link and perhaps a russian speaker could enlighten us.
[edit] Here is the link:
[Edited on 2-12-2004 by UpNatom]
Chemicus Diabolicus
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I've made a mirror of on 16-08-04. The compressed RAR-archive is now on axehandle's ftp
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I did some searching on the forum and according to antoncho (as of today) the hives absence is due to a hosting problem so I wouldn't
pay much attention to the ominous sounding message.
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Welcome to the .WS Whois Server
Use of this service for any purpose other
than determining the availability of a domain
in the .WS TLD to be registered is strictly
Domain Name: RHODIUM.WS
Registrant: Rhodium
Domain created on 2001-07-08 22:20:38
Domain last updated on 2003-06-09 03:03:02
Name servers:
*Edited out by Polverone*
There you have it, the domains haven't been updated. *SITE REMOVED* which I assume either hosts the site or is the registrar.
[Edit: *EDITED AWAY BY POLVERONE* does seem to be hosting the site. AAA.BB.C.DDD is AAA.BB.C.EE is the *edited out*
they seem to own the entire AAA.BB.C.XXX subnet.]
Hopefully they will be up soon.
Is there anyway someone can place the .rar file on a server that is accessable by the public? I would like to make a web accessable mirror if all
[Edited on 1-7-2005 by Polverone]
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Good to know. That was actually what I assumed at first but the message was/is kinda scary.
We'll see I suppose.
They did say the site could be down up to a month before it was shut down.
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Mephisto has uploaded a pretty good mirror of rhodium. As well as including the pharmacology and links sections, it doesn't have the broken links
that I used to find in the zip archive.
If the Hive doesn't come up for a while, hosting a forum on i2p might be a solution.
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Quote: | Originally posted by enima
Is there anyway someone can place the .rar file on a server that is accessable by the public? I would like to make a web accessable mirror if all
If I had a copy of that .rar, i'd be happy to host it. PM me if you'd like.
Chemicus Diabolicus
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mophead: PMed you. I hope you've got the necessary capacity for such a hosting.
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I have a copy of rhodium as of 8/16/04 given to me by Mephisto.
It should be up sometime this weekend at
peace y'all.
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There is also a copy available at sasquotch.i2p
on the I2P net.
The site also contains a few books of interest.
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There are a few missing files and dead links but that's to be expected. There are a few .pdf's that even webarchive does not have. If
anyone has any of these following documents, please let me know.
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I have a number of those pdfs on my hard drive mophead.
I've tried to attach for now
Attachment: (642kB) This file has been downloaded 2190 times
International Hazard
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Ref: Rhodium's articles
Here is one I converted from html to text to pdf ...some of the drawings got lost but all text is here.....solo
Attachment: Regioselectivity of the Wacker Oxidation of Propenylbenzenes.pdf (11kB) This file has been downloaded 2097 times
It's better to die on your feet, than live on your knees....Emiliano Zapata.
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