Hazard to Others
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I came on here after a coversation on aim with madscientist, i figured it would be much better than totse, which it is. To much in fact, i cant even
understand much of what is said here. You people are very smart and much of what you say goes over my head, which im not used to nor do i like. So im
wondering if you know any good sites to help me learn some terms and some basics of the chemistry of explosives.
Hazard to Others
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try learning the basics of the chemsitry of pyrotechncis and then getting to know explosives will be easier.
http://www.sciencemadness.org/talk/viewthread.php?tid=365 (a topic on links to basic chemsitry that I started)
Hazard to Others
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sorry but I might have to post some more because I am still looking for links and the edit won't work
Hazard to Others
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Dues those links are broken, i know basic pyrotechics and I have ever helped you learn them, as i did when you made your first batch of AP, and have
givin you much info of AG Fulminate as well. I am Genital-Warfare from totse.
Also i am not new to chemistry and explosives but im trying to get a better understanding of the science of it; not just being 'kewl' and blowing
stuff up, thats what im about.
Hazard to Others
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I didn't mean to be rude if you are taking it that way. It was just suggestion that when people start learning about it, know pyrotehcnics too will
make it much more better and less frustrating. I also didnt know that you are genital warefare and I know you helped me with AP and silver fulminate.
I am also trying to learn about the chemistry of pyrotehcnisc and explosives btter too
Hazard to Others
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PS- I also know you helped me learn pyrotechenics and explsoives a lot too
Hazard to Others
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why won't these links work? anyways, for both of them, take out the "/>" part. I don't know why they keep on going there
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make links like this (I've turned BBCode off for this message):
Now celebrating 21 years of madness
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then they'll look like this:
Hazard to Others
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the site won't show up but the link is right.