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Thats no good idea I believe.
Better get some RAM for the server if you want to change something.
But to tell the truth:

ppl might please break down 190MB BOOK files to smaller pieces before uploading. Yes?
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Heartily seconded!
If you want to run the server on different hardware, PLEASE build a separate machine, test it, and try migrating the server duties over to it.
Don't mess with a working machine. Remember how many problems Eliteforum's had with "beefy" but unreliable new hardware?
FTP service over a 10 megabit line is one of the easiest tasks imaginable for a server. I am sure your existing hardware (with the possible exception
of hard disks, which can never be too large) is already overqualified by a factor of 10 for this duty. Don't try to make it more powerful! This
offers risks without benefits.
Can't downloads from the FTP site be resumed with an appropriate client? I would hope so. Splitting large files into multiple small files makes
more clutter in file organization, and offers no benefits (that I can think of) beyond what you can already get by stopping and resuming downloads.
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Most common freeware FTP clients support file resume if the server supports it.
You might want to checkout smartFTP.
One shouldn't accept or resort to the mutilation of science to appease the mentally impaired.
Free Radical
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Ofcourse I wasn't going to implement new server hardware using the plug-and-pray strategy... don't think I'll change anything at all
right now since it seems to work OK as it is...
Downloads should be resumable, everywhere:
AllowRetrieveRestart on
nothing strange in the config.. does anyone else have problems with resuming downloads?
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This ftp works like a charm.
Relieable, fast - almost perfect.
thx to axehandle
Free Radical
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No need to thank me...
I'm MAD!!!!!!!    
I had left 16 beers in a friend's care, and he had fucking PUT THEM IN THE FRIDGE!!!!
I hate cold beer!!!!! Now I have to put them in a warm water bath to make them drinkable... sigh...
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Oh! I actually wanted to express my gratitude by sending you this wonderful bottle which is perfect for ether-storage! Still filled with the original
liquid though, which you may abuse or discard as you like to I thought?

Now I am told I have not to thank you! What to do? What a dilemma!
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Oh...... you want to... send me.. booze.... *drool*..... Well, in that case, I suppose it's all right to thank me!      
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Access to FTP
Could you please give me access to FTP server.
Free Radical
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Your package arrived today, Organikum. Thank you very much for the bottle and the vodka, it looks very potent!
[Edited on 2004-9-3 by axehandle]
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Chemicus Diabolicus
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I've found the scans of two German books about crystal-growing on my hard disk, which were send to my some time ago. It's not a very popular
hobby, but I think it would be a real shame, if I delete the scans without trying to share them to somebody who is interested in this stuff. Anyway,
the quality is good enough, but I won't bother to make nice ebooks of them and remove all little failures like dots, shadows etc.. The books are
"Die Welt der Kristalle" and "Kristallzüchtung als Hobby".
Also upped:
Kleemann And Engels - Pharmaceutical Substances (Syntheses, Patents, Applications, 4th Edition, 2000).pdf 60,3 MB
Jahn, Gerrit - Physikalische Chemie (Skript mit Lehrbuchniveau, 316 Seiten).pdf 2,5 MB
Bronstein - Taschenbuch der Mathematik.pdf 65,2 MB
Schweda, E. - Allgemeine und Anorganische Chemie (gutes Vorlesungsskript).pdf 9,9 MB
Wirsunn, Siegfried - Elektronik-Selbstbau Praktikum.pdf 3,6 MB
National Hazard
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Axe, you still want me to send you the FTP DVD backup's?
All that glitters isn't gold.
Free Radical
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Yes, please. I've PM:d you my addy.
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Chemicus Diabolicus
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It's either in "upload/Mephisto" or in "Mephisto". I can't check check it from me present location.
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All of a sudden it was there... LOL
Some cache questions I guess.
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well lets see uploaded ..god 150/200 megs last night,working on 603megs tonight part 1 of mechdesk,part 2 on the way tomorrow,part 3 day after just how much hard drive space do i have to fill??? dont want to crash the ftp...lets see still got errrr ..18+- gigs to go so i went thru
the collection to double check to see what you might have allready. so were looking ok so far? so if no one minds i will keep it to a gig-a-week if
thats ok...oh btw mechdesk is a cad-cam program thats suppost to be a hum-dinger! but im not set-up to run it ( system resources run at 8-10% on a
good day) all so ive got another cad-cam program called mastercam 9 i think. if im killing the bandwith for somebody else i can limit my up loads to
certain days of the week if that helps. if all else just yell @#$%#%^%^ stop already any body want some ham radio software uploaded?
famous last words\"hold my beer and watch this\"
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You seem like a real masochist, but upload as much as you want, I'm not complaining... 
As of this writing, there is still 39.4 GiB free space available on that filesystem, and if it fills up I'll just put some of the stuff on my 2nd
RAID5 and soft link to it, so space is plenty.
Casual inspection tells me you're uploading at less than 150 KiB/s, which is only slightly more than 1/3 of the link capacity, so no problem
there. If you were 3 people uploading at the same time you might notice a small performance decrease... Not a likely scenario though, the largest
number of concurrent users I see in everyday use is 3, but almost always only 1, and rarely 2.
I may have overestimated things when I limited the number of concurrent users to 30 -- it will NEVER happen.
I think my little 10Mbit line can eat whatever you serve without getting constipated .
EDIT: And the server won't crash. Seriously. It has never crashed and never will . Uptime only limited by power outages. Current uptime is 149 days, 13:17 hours.
[Edited on 2004-9-22 by axehandle]
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well not to blow my own horn im runing fiber@7.6megs a sec it tells me but my 4 year old pc cant handle full a good run is more like 450kbs
as for being well...odd you got me i confess but seriously mechdesk is being a #$#%%$^%%%^$$$#$#!@#^%^ so i cant say when it will be uploaded in one
peice it is 939megs total but not to worry 27 full cds to go for the rest of my little collection..i realy hope you guys like what your getting..i
tryed to offer to another site but was treated poorly so you guys get to be my victims of kindness
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Could you kindly break down the MechDesk into pieces, at least into pieces which make it possible to burn them onto CD?
I do my downloads in I-cafes with faster connection than I have at home and they burn CDs, but they dont break me such big pieces down usually, not
without a bribe at least.
MechDesk is what I always wanted
International Hazard
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For files of that size, burning to a DVD, if you have a DVD burner, is necessary, if you want to store the complete MechDesk as a single file other
than on a hard drive. This is unless the 939 Mb file can be compressed by ZIP or RAR to a size that will fit on a CD. Otherwise, you would have to use
WinRAR to split it into two halves.
John W.
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I've figured it out. John is a group of nerds combined into one.
[Edited on 22-9-2004 by Dodoman]
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mechdesk is in 3 folders/parts now with the idea to burn them to cd my main problem is my pc needs reformating..bad so it will be a few days before i
can try for dvd burner i agree. would be nice to have. there are only 4 files that size in my collection so no dvd burner yet.
o btw dont drink while you label you disks i almost uploaded 8000 playboy pics by mistake.
famous last words\"hold my beer and watch this\"
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This is a stupid question, it makes my lack of computer skills evident.
What is the deal with those folders that I get an access denied? What is their purpose? What is in them?
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more ftp fun
so far so good mechdesk2,3 are uploaded and md#1 is chugging right along.ive uploaded um...30/40 more goodies in the last couple of days.its getting
to be a daily habit to upload at least 50megs just added some nice math ebooks
to the pile so im going to up them after meckdesk1 is i was just wondering what you guys think of what being added so far?
famous last words\"hold my beer and watch this\"
National Hazard
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axe, Do you use SCSI drives? If so I can send you a server. It's pretty old but would be perfect for FTP use.
It's a Dell PowerEdge 2200.
Only cost to you would be postage.
All that glitters isn't gold.
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