Hazard to Self

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Hello all,
Does any one have an account and password for the "Explosives and Weapons forum" ?
I used to, but have NOT been active there for sometime so they droped me I guess.
Well, any way they have iso (cd rom) files of Fedoroff's Encyclopedia of Explosives, volumes 1 to 10.
As most of you know 1 to 3 has been around for some time now,
but know one has been able to get 4 through 10.
These files would be VERY much welcomed to our 2nd FTP site. This materal is EXCELLENT reading. Hope someone can help soon!
Thanks, The Alchemist
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Do they even work?
I remember that when chemwarrior was running the FTP site, somebody tried to upload ISOs of PATR 2700 and chemwarrior was never able to get them to
PGP Key and corresponding e-mail address
Hazard to Self

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Hello again,
YES, according to Mega, they do. I have emailed Mega for another password, but as yet have not recieved a reply! That's about all I have for now
except Mega I believe is uploading some other good stuff also.
The Journal of Propellants, Explosives, and Pyrotechnics for an example!
[Edited on 27-5-2004 by Alchemist]
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Don't bother with JoPEP, I can get them all for you if you want.
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Hazard to Self

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Fedoroff Sources
Hello Vulture,
Yes, I do and thanks, but I have been working with RADON and he is going to up them to FTP 2 if all goes OK!
He said to wait a day or so since they take so long to download.
Are you getting them for youself? If you are the more working copys around the better!
If RADONs uploads get corruped or something we can use yours.
Again thanks for your help!
The Alchemist.....................................................
Hazard to Self

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Fedoroff in pdf
Hello ALL,
I started to upload the FEDOROFF files in pdf
for those who can't use or extract the iso's,
but it messed up. I will get it done soon though,
so look for them in the upload section soon!
The Alchemist!!!
Hazard to Self

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Fedoroff Vol 6-10
Hello All,
If all goes well, I am uploading to the ftp Fedoroff Vol 6-10 in pdf format.
Later , the Alchemist!
A pnictogen
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Vulture: Has the JoPEP been uploaded to the ftp2 yet? If it has I am unable to find it.
National Hazard
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Does anyone have the unbastardized versions of vol's 6-10?
If I chose to professionally print hardcopies I'd like it free of the E&W propaganda that has defaced every volume, which may in the very
least raise some questions about what its wanted for.<br><br>
National Hazard
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I had a related problem. Acrobat 5 is required to view the altered/encrypted files which rather makes supplying acrobat 3 with it somewhat pointless.
Unfortunatly 4 is the latest I can run for compatability reasons.
The solution that should also work for you is to use Advanced PDF password recovery to decrypt the file as opposed to simply finding the password
(suggest v2.12 though older versions are easier to use). The decrypted file can be viewed with old versions of reader, and has no protections. You
can then simply use acrobat full to delete the E&W title page if you want.
National Hazard
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Thanks Marvin, It opens with errors for me too, but still viewable. Ive downloaded "Advanced PDF password recovery " and I'll see what
it can do to stop the errors.
But still if anyone has the original files (.iso image of CD2), please upload if convenient, I dont have the full acrobat to make changes.
[Edited on 2-8-2004 by Axt]
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the book you need
ive got it in pdf if any body wants it just tell me were to send it
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Reverend Necroticus Rex
Hazard to Others
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I would greatly appreciate a copy of the PDF, if it would be no trouble to yourself, as I haven't got FTP access.
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Chemicus Diabolicus
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Use the torrent. There is no password necessary.
1. Install a good bit-torrent program - I recommend Azureus.
2. Download the .torrent-file from here. (Azureus starts automatically the download)