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Free Radical
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FTP Server #2
I'm hereby announcing the existence of another FTP server, containing
materials similar to those on Eliteforum's FTP, but (as yet) horribly unsorted.
The content amount at the moment of this writing is almost 10Gb. I
hereby thank the beta-testers most heartfully. Without you, it couldn't
have been done. I have had help with acquiring all the material. Those
of you who have helped me, through snailmail and email and uploads; you
know who you are, but out of respect for your privacy I'll not mention
you unless you explicitly ask me to.
The server lies on my dedicated firewall/fileserver at home. The specs
10Mbit/s full duplex.
All filesystems are on RAID5 partitions under Linux, so if one disk
goes, no data is lost.
If you want an account, PM me for a Username/Password combination.
The host and port are DNS resolvable.
Port:21 (the standard FTP port)
My motivation for setting up this server is fourfold: 1) Keeping all
eggs in one basket is mad; 2) Having two FTP servers means twice
as many people can download things simultaneously; 3) My ISP permits
running my own servers; 4) I rarely use more than 1% of my available
outgoing bandwidth, and decided that I would dedicate it all to the
sciencemadness community.
I shouldn't have to mention this since I think it's implicit, given my
reasons, but I'm in <b>absolutely no way</b> trying to belittle the
great service Eliteforum has and is giving to the community. My <b>only</b>
goal is to improve the availability of chemistry material. Two servers means
twice as many people can download simultaneously, all other things being equal.
So, as I said, PM me for username/password pairs. Everyone is welcome.
If you want to upload stuff, do it in the "upload" directory (which is
the only write-permitted directory anyway).
Another note: No transfers are logged. You're pretty anonymous. Also,
the maximum number of connected users at any one time is restricted
to 20 --- this will keep downloads fast enough while still being a
reasonable number.
Also: Nobody will receive any special treatment. I welcome all. Leeching
is permitted, and uploading is encouraged, but not required.
A few words about material choice if you do decide to upload: I have little
interest in "warez" unless they are of a scientific nature (e.g. CAD programs,
chemistry and psysics utilities, rocketry ballistics programs, etcetera) or
are essential for making ebooks out of dead tree books. Common sense should
suffice, and I won't spank anyone for uploading something of questionable
The same applies to videos. Only chemistry and/or physics related are of
interest. Simply put, a video of a successful rocket flight is welcome,
ordinary movies or porn of any kind are out.
Games are out. I want the bandwidth to be used for scientific purposes. The
same applies to sound files.
Ebooks, and the tools for reading and making them, are welcomed. They don't
need to be chemistry related. I think we all here like to read, no?
My PGP key, Fingerprint 5D96 E09E 365D 1867 2DF5 C2FE 4269 9C19 E079 CD35
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Free Radical
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Oh, and by the way:
Please report any anomalies. Running an FTP server is hardly rocket science, but I may have to adjust certain settings to make the experience more
enjoyable, like timeout values etcetera.
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Very good.
There cannot be enough ftp´s spreading information - never. ftp server are the backbone of the freedom of information.
Very good.
Free Radical
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Quote: |
Very good.
There cannot be enough ftp´s spreading information - never. ftp server are the backbone of the freedom of information.
Very good.
That was exactly why I started this project.
Btw, for you guys who have just tonight gotten your login information: How does it seem to work so far?
My PGP key, Fingerprint 5D96 E09E 365D 1867 2DF5 C2FE 4269 9C19 E079 CD35
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Hazard to Others
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For me the FTP is working well. I want to write some stuff for it but as of now I don't have much to say. I am making copper cloride but because
of its other uses the method is covered very well.
What if, what is isn\'t true?
Forum Gatekeeper
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Damn, we're good, yet another FTP server! Thanks axehandle.
I'd also like to abuse this post to make a request:
Could somebody please upload chemwindow to the FTP?
Thank You.
One shouldn't accept or resort to the mutilation of science to appease the mentally impaired.
Free Radical
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De rien.
I've increased the maximum number of concurrent users to 30. That means that if all 30 slots are downloading with no bottlenecks on their sides,
the DL speeds will be about 16kb/s. Acceptable, I think.
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\"Verbing nouns weirds the language!\"
National Hazard
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Great Job!
Did you see that folks?
I quote:
"Also: Nobody will receive any special treatment. I welcome all. Leeching
is permitted, and uploading is encouraged, but not required. "
This is an historical moment! I have tears in my eyes.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I guess it's time to buy a scanner!
Chemicus Diabolicus
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Great! Thanks a lot.
BTW: Is there a public account just for uploading?
Free Radical
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Quote: |
BTW: Is there a public account just for uploading?
No, and there won't be. Having one is opening oneself up to a DOS attack.
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National Hazard
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Thanks, Axehandle. I downloaded a good chemistry book that is 125 years old from your site. Its interesting how things have changed. There are
experiments with energetic compounds that would never be described in today's chemistry books. They refer to various gasses as
"permanent" because they have "never been liquified". Then they talk about some type of "anti-ozone" that is always
produced during combustion and causes the particles of smoke to form a mist. Its interesting how some things were already understood pretty well 125
years ago (and the same explanations might appear in chemistry books today, with slight language differences), while others are way off base.
If there's an interest sometime I might upload some energetic material videos I have made during my experiments (small amounts of various
thermites, NI3, explosive silver compounds, etc.).
Hazard to Others
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I was Unable to connect to within 3 attempts.
I get the error: <i>Host not found [Authoritative]</i>
I'm using AceFTP 2 Pro
Free Radical
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Quote: | {quote]
'I was Unable to connect to within 3 attempts.
I get the error: Host not found [Authoritative]
I'm using AceFTP 2 Pro
Could be dyndns's DNS server acting up, or yours.... the former has never happened.
The current IP is
[Edited on 2004-5-22 by axehandle]
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Hazard to Others
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I replaced the server name with
it's working now... thank u so much..
Free Radical
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De rien.
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Hazard to Self

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FTP account
Axehandle, could you please provide me with an account using U2U ? Thanks
Free Radical
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Please make your account requests via U2U, not here --- this thread will be huge otherwise.
pdb: You already have an account. Check your U2U inbox again. Someone asking twice sends me into paranoia mode.
My PGP key, Fingerprint 5D96 E09E 365D 1867 2DF5 C2FE 4269 9C19 E079 CD35
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Free Radical
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ISP problem
My ISP is having a malfunction. As a result I lost Internet connectivity between approx. 12:00 and 19:47, local time. The problem could return, they
haven't solved it completely yet.
Update: The problem was caused by some piece of broken hardware (it was a bit vague to say the least), and was corrected at 19:30, local time.
[Edited on 2004-5-27 by axehandle]
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Hazard to Others
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that is their way of explaining that someone spilled out a can of coke on one of the routers...
or even worse, tripped on one of the cables and pulled down the whole 19" rack ontop of him...
Free Radical
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I know..... my favourite excuse at my last job when I was asked to do something I didn't want to was "what you want is technically
impossible". hehe.
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Free Radical
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Soon I will set up rsync so that anyone with a valid username/passwd combo can keep a mirror of the entire archive, now 9.0Gb. Is there interest for
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Hazard to Others
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I have some gigabytes of chemistry journals. if anyone (with a decent connection speed or axehandle himself) wants them on CD u2u me... in return I
wanna get it uploaded to the FTP
btw I'm scanning "Techniques and Experiments for Organic Chemistry" has anyone already done it?
National Hazard
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There used to be an address posted in the first ftp thread (now deleted) by eliteforum that allowed you to access the ftp through internet explorer.
I'd like to know what it was, as that was my only route into it. The address included the host, username and password. I asked Axehandle through
U2U and recieved this -
You will then be prompted for the password.
But she aint working! Cant use another ftp thingy as I only have access through a university computer ... help.
Free Radical
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Quote: |
But she aint working! Cant use another ftp thingy as I only have access through a university computer ... help.
Which operating system? I don't know of any OS (well, apart from macOS < 10, but I wouldn't call those operating systems...) that
doesn't have a command line FTP client. Even windows does.
Invoke "ftp" from the command line (MacOS 10, win9x, win2k, winxp, solaris, linux, whatever) and you should be in,
and be prompted for username and password.
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A pnictogen
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I tried to upload some scans but it said "access denied", I am also unable to make a folder to put the scans in.
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