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Sciencemadness at risk -- your help wanted
<h3>EDIT 01/11/2011: I have found new employment. Sciencemadness is now secure for years. Thanks for the amazing support and generosity! If you
are in a giving mood, please donate to a cause in greater need.</h3>
I have tried not to ask too frequently or forcefully for funding for this site. However I just learned today that a key deal fell through for my
employer and I am going to be unemployed. It costs $20 a month to keep this site running. That is not the largest household expense I have to deal
with but I need to trim everything I can until I find a new job.
Please, if you can spare a few dollars, donate so I can keep the site running in the new year without dipping into my own pocket. I would also be interested in hearing from anyone who
has a VPS or dedicated server with at least 8 GB of disk space free who might offer SM a new home if I am unable to continue our Linode hosting.
If by chance you have any job leads that would be great too. In my last job I was a software engineer working on content recommendation and analytics
for the web. I have extensive experience with Python and its event-driven Twisted networking framework, MySQL, MongoDB, behavioral and document
analysis, and Agile development methodology.
Prior to that I worked for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to develop computational models of low-dose radiation damage to DNA. I wrote
analysis and automation tools for quantum chemical and molecular dynamics calculations. I have a master's degree from Washington State University in
computer science, concentration in scientific computing.
I'm located in southeast Washington state in the USA -- not a whole lot of tech jobs in the area -- but I am more than happy to work remotely. I
mostly telecommuted for the past 3 years with periodic visits to headquarters. Contract work welcomed. U2U me if you happen to have a lead.
[Edited on 1-12-2011 by Polverone]
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National Hazard
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Wow, and right before Christmas. I am really sorry to hear this.
I weep at the sight of flaming acetic anhydride.
International Hazard
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Im very sorry to hear about this Polverone and if I could help I surely would but im in the same boat as you where our government contract was
terminated and I no longer work on the Savannah River project because we had some flaws with the inexperianced welders working along side of us. I
don't plan on having income until the 27 of january but I fear that would be to late I would think.
I don't think you have Comcast around there do you? If so they are always hiring people with your qualifications and the pay isn't to shabby at all
once you get your foot in the door.
Knowledge is useless to useless people...
"I see a lot of patterns in our behavior as a nation that parallel a lot of other historical processes. The fall of Rome, the fall of Germany — the
fall of the ruling country, the people who think they can do whatever they want without anybody else's consent. I've seen this story
before."~Maynard James Keenan
International Hazard
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Well, I actually could afford to send a few kroon for helping with [s]Vulture's Ruby Feather Robe[/s] operating expenses, however Paypal is not a
option soon on the horizon. Is there another option, such as stuffing coins into kumquats and sending a case of them to you?
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Coins in kumquats are fine if you can pay shipping. I suggest to mark the fruit as books and send it media mail. I will send info via U2U about snail
mail options.
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International Hazard
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This is the time of year when I am constantly solicited for donations, I've turned down the police, orphans, and abused spouses but something about SM
pulls at my heart strings. It's not much but it'll keep us going another month.
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Thanks, BromicAcid. I recall that you helped the site in a previous time of need by hosting our library when I didn't have room. I really appreciate
the help.
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Mssr Curie
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I have been reading this forum everyday for three years. I am happy to donate a month. Let me know if you don't get this transaction.
Your transaction ID for this payment is: 8CS59334A37544312.
Your shopping cart
Description Price Quantity Amount
Sciencemadness donation3 $20.00 1 $20.00
Item total $20.00
Total $20.00 USD
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Thank you very much, Mssr Curie. The payment has been received
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Hazard to Others
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$50 sent via payal.
Not much Polverone,but hope it helps out.Thanks for all you do for us bunch of misfits
[Edited on 21-12-2010 by starman]
Chemistry- The journey from the end of physics to the beginning of life.(starman)
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Polverone I'm very sorry to hear of your temporary loss of employment. I can't imagine anyone with your ability being out of work for very long. I'm
good for $50 and have PayPal. How do I send it to you?
The single most important condition for a successful synthesis is good mixing - Nicodem
Now celebrating 21 years of madness
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Thanks for the encouraging words Magpie. If you go to this donation link and click on the image it will bring up a Paypal form.
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Hazard to Self

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This hobby is hard enough as it is
Your transaction ID for this payment is: 16A82772FY1811316.
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$20 sent via paypal.
my little contribution from France. Longue vie à Sciences madness !
Hazard to Others
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$50 sent via Paypal, hope it helps.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
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$20 sent via Paypal.
Thank you for providing us with a home .
Hazard to Others
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Paypal ID 7UV00685TS4412216.
A Small price to pay for such a valuable and accessible resource.
National Hazard
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As a story goes in Hindu Mythology:
Lord Ram undertook construction of massive bridge in sea to carry his troops to enemy Ravana's Island without any financial means (as he was in
wilderness at that time) solely based on the contributions from his subjects. He saw one squirrel taking a dip in sea, then rolling over in sand and
then scattering the sand on bridge by shaking its body. Lord asked her what are you doing? She said I am helping the construction by filling the gaps
in stones with sand to the best my abilities.
So Dear Polverone here is my squirrel's share:
"transaction ID for this payment is: 1WA464228H941205J. "
Good luck and best wishes to get the job you love.
Hazard to Others
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Your transaction ID for this payment is: 1EV93661WG2762228.
Here is another $20. And seeing as how you have all these other donations to keep the site up. You can use this money how ever you see fit. 
Merry Christmas and good luck job hunting.
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Polverone, this is bad news .
I can't help with a new job from the other side of the ocean, but I can help somewhat with a little donation of $30.
I'm also very happy to see the other donations and I hope more will follow. Sciencemadness really is worth to keep flying.
[Edited on 21-12-10 by woelen]
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at risk
Merry Christmas from Nebraska, Polvo.
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Quote: Originally posted by starman  | $50 sent via payal.
Not much Polverone,but hope it helps out.Thanks for all you do for us bunch of misfits
Thank you starman! This site has been a labor of love. It is really all the members who make it great, I just try to keep it running smoothly.
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Thank you paulr1234. This hobby faces many difficulties today, but at least we have cheap worldwide communications. It's amazing how far flung some
contributors to the board and to the Paypal fund are!
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Thank you, artaban. Your contribution and those of your fellow members guarantees that this forum will be around for a very long time. I have an
additional special insurance plan to ensure that which I hope to unveil soon...
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It most certainly does. Thanks for your trust and your help!
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