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@ xenold:
You are entitled to your opinions made from many thousands of miles away pertaining to those mean evil-doers blowing up buildings here in U$A? However
dont think for one minute that restricting the liberties of THE PEOPLE will these horrific events will subside. U2U me if you wish and ill share
somthing with you about Oklahoma. peace
National Hazard
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"Terrorism" is often fake, made with a purpose ...
==> ... in the recent years this purpose has been towards legislation for more observation of the citicens, via monitoring of the cell-phones,
video-surveillance, etc.etc. ...
simply RED
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I posted an advice to mix ammonium nitrate 90% with 5% pine turpentine and 5% Al powder to make a powerful ANFO like mix, but somebody told me it was
not suitable for here.
So, take the advice kids - AN is not suitable for you! Stick to chickenshit.
By the way, here in EU(Eastern Urope ; Union of the United Democratic Republics) AN is sold freely everywhere. Metro sells 50kg bags of AN with 1%MgO.
Mixed ferts are sold freely as well. I can not immagine running out of "necessary supply". If AN is banned, carbamide is free. If carbamide is banned,
chem supliers sell 65%HNO3. Banning something is extremely stupid. I made my first guncotton and nitroglycerine (8 years ago) with battery acid and
Pb(NO3)2. Ca(NO3)2 is also widely available and cheap...
So, if the redneck suplier tells you : we don't sell to just anyone, you can reply : "I don't give a chickenshit."
[Edited on 7-5-2010 by simply RED]
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead...
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Didn't they add the 1% magnesium salts to render the fertilizer unusable for energetic use?
International Hazard
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It's only 1%MgO - it would have no effect whatsoever. . .
simply RED
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1% MgO has no effect at all. Tried multiple times. They cover the fertilizer prills with it to protect the prills from moisture.
These prills are really useless as an explosive. They are molten solid AN, covered with MgO and can not absorb fuels. Unless you crush it with a
coffee grinder... (those cheap kitchen robots can crush 500 grams for 5 mins).
A lot of people were saying "just mix the prills with diesel". I tried once : 3 kilos prills with 6% diesel mixed without crushing. 100 grams TNT
equivalent booster, enclosed in 1mm steel can.
The can was shreaded to small pieces by the booster, but the AN did not detonate at all!
The moral - grind the AN and use things better than diesel : nitromethane, pine turpentine, MNT, DNT, TNT, TNX, xylene etc, etc.....
[Edited on 7-5-2010 by simply RED]
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead...
The WiZard is In
International Hazard
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Black Powder — Horse Dung
601. II. Murtineddu's Powders consist of mixtures of nitrate of soda (with or
without saltpeter), with sulphur and various substances as tan, coal,
sawdust, &c.
The mixture, patented in England consists of: —
Saltpeter .............. 100 parts.
Sulphur ................ 100
Sawdust ..................50
Horsedung ..............50
Sea salt ..................10
treacle ......................4
The object of adding the treacle is to give cohesion to the composition. It is
claimed that "this composition does not cause explosion upwards as with
(D., p 608, and Spec. No. 2,403, 14.10.56.)
JP Cundill A Dictionary of Explosives 2nd ed 1895
Horsedung Explosive. A blasting explosive composed of K nitrate 12 parts,
horsedung dust 1, charcoal 1 & sulphur 3 parts
W. Eberle USP 910 365 (1909)
Potassium nitrate ..........12 parts
Sulphur ...........................3
Charcoal .........................1
Pulverized horse dung ....1
See also: Horsedung Explosive.
Fuloph & Lackovic Exploisve ( Hungarian):
Fresh horse dung ......... 60%
Potassium nitrate ............26
Sulphur ............................10
Dye ....................................4
Edhos of Escho. Accdg. to Molina, Explosvio Echos —
Ammonium nitrate ........................ 75%
Silicon ........................................... 16
Aluminium powder ......................... 2
Dried horse dung ("Ipposino") ........ 7
was used by the Italians for military purposes.
Murtineddu Powder
A mixt patented in 1856 contg K or Na nitrates, sulphur, dried horse dung,
Na chloride and nitrated molasses.
Praepositer (or Präposit). An explosive similar to black powder
manufactured in the 1870's by the International Praeposite Co Powder
Works, Millville, NJ, until the plant exploded. The composition was
potassium nitrate, sulphur, charcoal, and "Hipposine", the latter ingredient
being finely pulverized dried horse dung. The same explosive was
manufactured in Germany by the Deutsch Präpositwerke G. m. b. H.,
Karlsruhe in Bavaria.
[Hippo is Greek for horse.]
All above from PATR 2700
Test results showed that five of the systems tested (1, 3, 5, 8, and 9)
exhibited high order reaction as indicated by their capability of fragmenting
the test vehicles into large pieces.
No. 3
Potassium nitrate .......... 70%
Sulphur ...........................18
Charcoal .......................... 6
Animal dung (chicken) ..... 6
B Jackson, Jr. & SM Kaye
improvised Pyrotechnic Mixtures for Guerrilla Warfare Applications
Picatinny Arsenal 1964
Jimbo Jones
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….or you may try to “activate” the prills by soaking them in little water (around 4 - 6 %). Stir well to disperse the water then put the prills
in some suitable container and dry them in oven. The best temperature is around 60 – 80 °C. About an hour or two are fine and after the process the
prill can be easily break just between your fingers and ready to absorb the fuel of your choice.
By the way, I the past I also tried this popular “cookbook” method and just for the record, the results was very similar. Those books also stated
that this activated ANFO mix is cap sensitive to N. 8 detonator, but guess what gentlemen’s ….. Yes, another piece of crap. Red is right. Around
100 gr. strong booster is absolutely necessary for any type of ANFO mixture.
Some words about the so called censure ship in the forum. I don’t think we discuss something that the real, skilled and ready for action people
don’t already know. Let’s see for example the “failed would-be amateur Connecticut Pakistani Muslim car bomber in Times Square”. C’mon guys,
I know that some of those people still leave in caves (which is smart move, by the way) and have never see a condom, but believe me they do know how
to prepare and wire some explosives. So put your terrorist detection glasses and repeated after me………BOMBS........MUSLIMS
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by simply RED  | These prills are really useless as an explosive. They are molten solid AN, covered with MgO and can not absorb fuels. |
AN also comes in porous prills - they absorb 6-8% fuel oil making them ideal for ANFO. . .
When heated slightly above its melting point and cooled, AN solidifies to a porous mass with the same absorbency as ANFO prills.
International Hazard
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Gas phase reaction of Ammonia with NO2 under 100 ºC
directly forms Ammonium Nitrate
2 NH3 + 2 NO2 => NH4NO3 + H2O + N2
Hazard to Others
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just a Q. on the dbbl decomposition metethisis method. ( CN with A-Sulfate).
The supernatant solution that remains is reduced by a fair amout( till crystals start showing in the boiling water) then taken off the heat and
dumped onto a frozen cooking sheet and AN is left crystalized.
One prob. I have run into with this method is impurities within the Yara 15.5-0-0 CAN is a small amout of mica and whats worse is the binder or
coating they use gets trapped in the solution creating a big prob with the An being able to re-crystalize out of solution. How do you filter out this
oily glue?
International Hazard
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Quote: Originally posted by pjig  | j
One prob. I have run into with this method is impurities within the Yara 15.5-0-0 CAN is a small amout of mica and whats worse is the binder or
coating they use gets trapped in the solution creating a big prob with the An being able to re-crystalize out of solution. How do you filter out this
oily glue? |
Use the "envelope method" with crushed YARA 15-0-0 & the glue will be contained within the envelope - instead of using any gravity filter process,
the envelope method will contain the binder to (generally) one side of the enclosure while the nitrate goes into solution via other areas free from
the "glue" (which is a type of water-based hide glue similar to white or wood glue)..
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Thanks for the help..
That glue was a sticky pain in the ass!, But I only noticed it in larger quantities and lower temps w/ the dbbl decomp method. Tonight Im using the
envelope method you described. I was doing a apples to apples comparison to the dbbl decomp V.S. the envelope method you described. I was hoping to
find which one yielded the best w/o to much labor to obtain the nitrate in a purer form.
Is there a way to seperate the two (glue and nitrate?, it's suspended in the oil neither heat or freezing helped seperate the two.) Would any acids or
other chem.'s be useful to seperate the nitrate from the glue? Or is all a loss, and not worth wasting time ,,,chalk it up and start over .
You claimed somewhere around 6h in one post ,and then in another post 24h to obtain a supersaturated solution. Which is needed to fully saturate the
solution to AN>?
I'll get back with #'s soon..
[Edited on 15-6-2010 by pjig]
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I have a yield of 800g per 1000ml of solution.
Starting amount of 35lb CAN and saturated in 3gal of h2o. I generated gas using a total of 158 lye and 300 A-sulfate.
Now, I'm not sure what that comes out to in grams of gas... But the solution has a good amount of saturated ammonia in it, smelling like household
This seems a bit low but Im sure the end product is more pure than any other process I've done yet. Yields are around 37% compared to dbbl decomp with
A-sulfate yielding 70+% . Dbbl decomp does requires almost equal A-sulfate as CN v.s. just use it for gas generation which use's near to none..
*Is the lower yield due to a purer product and getting just that 15.5% CN out of the fertilizer to turn to AN?
* Any idea on how to get rid of that dang glue? I used the envelope process to contain the prills and waste material, but I still ended up with enough
glue in solution to be a drying henderance!
It takes 5x longer to dry at elevated temps around 185*F . Any acids or chance that soap would seperate this crap from solution ( Being water based)
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