The only ways I know of making semicarbazide from hydrazine and urea I know need hydrazine hydrate, which is difficult enough to make in itself.
Though thats without looking at the suggested patent.
Using urea to make the hydraizine rather than ammonia would be a big improvement and I bilieve we owe Mr Anonymous for the currently accepted best
A way that might work more directly, is that if you mix ammonia not in excess with hyperchlorite, you get chloramine in high yeild rapidly. If you
added this to a urea solution, you might get a good yeild of semicarbazide providing the urea was in large excess. Then your only hassle is to
seperate them.
If we restrict ourselves to the exact question though 'Can I prepare semicarbazide from the reaction between urea ,NaOCl , NaOH? ' *the* reaction, ie
a one step method, the answer is very probably, No. |