Sciencemadness Discussion Board

How not to be an ambassador for amateur science...

-jeffB - 11-1-2008 at 08:19

The fun gets off to a quick start, with our intrepid investigator describing his plans for uranium processing:

I am going to attempt to neutralize the Uranium isotopes from a hunk of ore, then melt the grains into a solid chunk. I will at least be able to see if ionization of the uranium atoms substantially increases decay rate. I have many questions I want answered and an outcome I hope will work out, but with my limited supplies, the only method I have is stripping electrons from things and hoping that A)accelerated decay or B)While the electron becomes striped away, the atom will lose a neutron or proton.

(Yeah, good luck with perturbing a U nucleus by diddling its outermost electron shell. Not to mention "neutralizing" the element from a hunk of ore.)

He goes on to fry a magnetron while blasting its beam into his room, and to run a homemade X-ray tube of unknown power without shielding. He does buy some dosimeters, which after a few hours show exposure levels close to five times the recommended lifetime limit, but maybe he wasn't using them properly -- he's not sure.

The FBI arrives near the bottom of page 5.

microcosmicus - 11-1-2008 at 11:36

Great, just what we need --- another radioactive boy scout, especially
in Texas of all places. After this stunt, I wouldn't be surprised to
see induction coils and electrostatic generators added to their list
of controlled scientific apparatus alongside flasks and condensers.

YT2095 - 12-1-2008 at 02:50

wow, it was like watching a Train Wreck in slow motion!

although I must admit half of what he said (claimed) read as complete and utter bullshit!

The_Davster - 12-1-2008 at 10:29

I am mostly concerned about his inability to properly differentiate between mR and R.


MadHatter - 12-1-2008 at 10:56

If this wanker is for real, then at the very least, he IS a danger to himself and possibly
his neighbors. I wouldn't care if he killed himself but he should have consideration for
his neighbors. Didn't the 'radioactive boy scout' do irreversible harm to himself ?

I'd like to thank him a fucking lot for making us all look like idiots ! :mad:

kilowatt - 27-1-2008 at 02:23

Wow. Just... wow. The Next Radioactive Boyscout isn't even a fair description, because at least the original knew what he was doing. Administrators help us all if this joker ever joins up here. Btw good luck to him melting down uranium metal as if he would ever get it that far. Radioactive metal fire anyone?