Blind Angel - 29-9-2003 at 11:02
I was planning doing a cold water extraction of some pill. One of them has 2 compound that are soluble in cold water so I was wondering: If i
recrystalize the two, will it give me a big multi compound crystal or two different kind of crystal? And if it give me a multi compound crystal will
it be possible to separate the two by using their melting point?
Mephisto - 29-9-2003 at 14:29
It will be more effective to use an other solvent to separate them. You give not much informations to help you.

Blind Angel - 29-9-2003 at 14:48
The two component left would be DXM and Pseudoephedrine, the two are miscible in the same solvent, the only difference is that the freebase form of
the second is slightly soluble in water and the other is not, but you all know the base of this...
P.S. I didn't wanted to put much spec because i wanted the base theory and that there is already a forum for these compound...