Twospoons - 4-11-2007 at 20:05
I'm having immense trouble finding numbers for flame speed for a stoichiometric H2/O2 mix. So far there's only been this which suggests 2810m/s (measured in 1881). I saw one ref to DDT in a tube (some journal paper I couldn't get to), and one ball-park mention
of 9000ft/sec in another forum about welding. I've trawled about 50 pages of google results.
After last Friday's fun with my new powersupply and my electrolyser I know it burns damn fast - shock waves clearly felt over whole body. (video to be
posted on YouTube soon!)
Does anyone have reputable data?
The_Davster - 4-11-2007 at 22:01
900-1400 cm/s
From "Principles of Instrumental Analysis" Skoog, Holler, Crouch
Apparently necessary for controlling the gas flow in an oxy-hydrogen torch used for atomic absorbtion spectroscopy.