Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Post happy posting

chemrox - 28-10-2007 at 20:08

I spent a month or two getting pages from acs every evening for two or three hours at a time. So I'm sitting here at my laptop and I've got the SciMad forums open and it's just natural to read and respond to everything of any interest whatsoever. The result is too much posting. I'm not trying to be a pest; its a matter of not being self-conscious enough. I probably zipped off a few too many u2u's as well. The papers in ACS I was getting are no longer accessible from home until I can work out something with the U so I won't be sitting here with SciMad open as much for awhile. There's been a lot of fire of late with people flaming each other and hating one another .. these are all just typed words folks, whew..

UnintentionalChaos - 28-10-2007 at 21:08

Eh, I probably overpost too, but its because I'm a horrible procrastinator and should be doing other stuff (like right now!). I have 3 other forums to go read and respond to (I have an odd assortment of hobbies) as well, so I may be more diffused.

This sounds more like a forum matters post to me, but miscellaneous is pretty damn miscellaneous.

There has definetly been a lot of flaming and arguing going on recently. I think its because there has been a lot of activity from newer members who haven't quite adapted to the "normal" way the forum discussion runs and they ask a lot of questions without researching much beforehand. I remember those days... Also, I see a couple cooks seem to have found us recently and have been properly moved to detritus. At least there haven't been any bots or trolls (or maybe I'm just not seeing them) in a while.

Hey, we could have it much worse folks. Go look at Every single forum is just high school students asking for homework help, no matter what the topic is supposed to be. I'm glad we're somewhat under the radar.

Antwain - 29-10-2007 at 00:17

I have been overposting/utilising this place recently, because I have 4 assignments to do in the next couple of days and lectures are over. And because I don't sleep anyway. One must never underestimate the power of procrastination :P

chemkid - 29-10-2007 at 11:41

I don't like to think of it as procrastination. More...waiting until the last minute. I often find myself here in the middle of large projects that are due the next morning. oh well, at least i know i am doing it...

Chemkid (should be studying for world civilizations)

Antwain - 29-10-2007 at 12:01

Yeah, well it is 7am here now and my major arsine writeup is due in a couple of hours. It is not done (nearly though) and yet here I am :D

MagicJigPipe - 28-11-2007 at 19:06

I just found myself guilty of overposting as well. I just get really excited... Time for a cold shower.