Substance A has the appearance of copper Iodide, CuI. It's a water insoluble beige/gray solid where Cu has +1 oxidation state and can give rise to
intermediate complexes with different colorations (among which even the yellow you see with HCl). The pink in H2SO4 actually reminded me of cobalt,
but that green flame is a giveaway of copper.
In many of those reactions something turns Brown. That could be iodine forming. Did you smell any iodine? Usually the smell is very distinct. On
heating, do you get purple vapors?
Substance B is a bit unusual if it's only inorganic. It Looks like manganese oxide but the reaction products you get afterwards look more like some
iron II/III mix, while that teal green coloration you get with ammonia looks like nickel II.
If you want to carry out additional tests, I'd separate any solid from that solution and attempt some redox reaction of whatever is leftover. Also try
and see if Aqua regia destroys the black lumps. |