My take on the chemistry along with other pundits, as I cited in my comments above, is apparently a bit off, per very recent research!
Per this source: 'Activation of Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide by Copper(II) Coupled with Hydroxylamine for Oxidation of Organic Contaminants', by
Hongshin Lee†§, Hye-Jin Lee§, Jiwon Seo§, Hyung-Eun Kim§, Yun Kyung Shin‡, Jae-Hong Kim†, and Changha Lee, Department of Chemical and
Environmental Engineering, Yale University and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, published very recently in Environ. Sci. Technol.,
2016, 50 (15), pp 8231–8238, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b02067 ........
Basically, Cu(l) formed by the action of H2O2 on Cu(ll), reacts with H2O2 to create the highly active Cu(lll) ion:
Cu(l)L + H2O2 --> Cu(lll)L' + Products (see drawing at )