Originally posted by Ozone
Quadricyclane actually looks relatively simple to do (and, if kept by itself (and not to hot), should be fairly stable). It is, however, quite toxic
(at least to Wistar rats).
But, if that is to out-there for you, one of my most memorable synthesis was tetrabutylammonium octachlorodirhenate. It is a stable, emerald
blue/green crystalline solid which contains a Rh-Rh quadruple bond. The worst part is the use of ethanolic HCl, which as we found, can gas the room
quite nicely... Other than that, not too bad for such a neat compound. We made 10g batches (they were blowing the stuff up at Sandia at the time and
it was expensive, so they had our class make a shitload).
[Edited on 12-3-2007 by Ozone] |