He is making a video every day. YouTube pressures you to do that. That's how you get popular, and it is more than possible to make a new video
everyday when you are a gaming or godforsaken blog channel. But it is not possible if you are a science channel. You rush, and you make mistakes, and
poorly thought out content like 'lets set gasoline on fire' or 'lets bloody drop hamburgers in LN2' because you need results, you need something that
looks good on camera, you can't take risks on something you think might not work, and if you have to spend more than 1-2 minutes in a video explaining
a concept or experiment, forget about the idea. Fast and flashy.
That's how you end up getting some random powder from your friend, and lighting a whole pile of it. No time for research. No time for small scale
tests. If you rush, things go wrong.
So he's working the system. But also, the system is working him, and that's the sad part |