The word synthetic is one of those "words".
If you think about it, what do you do in chemistry? For example, let's say that I put some hydrogen and oxygen in my flask and burn it. I made water
but is it synthetic? What did I do that is different than what nature would do? I'm not the one assembling the atoms together.
When they grow a crystal of silicon, they just hang a single crystal of Si in molten silicon and with some temperature control, the Crystal grows.
Nature is automatic.
For oak, maple, birch and other trees. They are all based on the cell, which is a molecular machine. All that we need to do is prepare a DNA, RNA and
the rest of what a cell needs (that requires chemistry), then let it run its chemistry and you have a "synthetic tree". Again, nature is automatic.
All that a human does is bring the molecules together in a flask. |