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Step 1: Preparation of 4-allyl catechol
Into a suitable reflux apparatus, place 13 grams (0.45 oz.) of catechol, followed by 14 grams (0.49 oz.) of allyl bromide, and then add in 22
milliliters (0.74 fluid oz.) of dry acetone. Then stir the entire mixture to form a uniform mixture. Immediately thereafter, gradually add in 17 grams
(0.59 oz.) of finely divided anhydrous potassium carbonate, and stir the mixture while adding this potassium carbonate. After the addition of the
potassium carbonate, reflux the entire reaction mixture at 60 Celsius for about 3 hours. Note: fit a calcium chloride drying tube to the top of the
reflux condenser to keep moisture out from the apparatus. After refluxing for about 3 hours, quickly remove the reflux condenser, and replace it with
a conventional cold water condenser, fitted with a receiver
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flask, and then distill-off the acetone until no more acetone passes over into the receiver flask. When this point is reached, stop the distillation
process, and allow the reaction mixture to cool to room temperature. Thereafter, pour the distilled reaction mixture left over, into a clean beaker,
and then add in 25 milliliters (0.84 fluid oz.) of cold water, followed by 100 milliliters (3.4 fluid oz.) of 10% sulfuric acid solution. Then stir
the entire acidic reaction mixture for about 10 minutes. Thereafter, extract the entire reaction mixture with one 50-milliliter portion (1.7 fluid
oz.) of diethyl ether. After the extraction process, wash the ether portion by adding to it, a sodium hydroxide solution prepared by adding and
dissolving 35 grams (1.2 oz.) of sodium hydroxide into 150 milliliters (5 fluid oz.) of water. Note: the addition of sodium hydroxide to water
generates much heat, so allow the mixture to cool to room temperature before using. Thereafter, remove the upper ether layer by using a seperatory
funnel, or by decantation, and then discard or recycle this upper ether layer (will contain diallyl ether). Now to the lower water layer, add in 100
milliliters (3.4 fluid oz.) of 10% sulfuric acid, and upon the acid addition, some oil should separate. After the addition of the sulfuric acid,
extract the entire acidic mixture (including any separated oil) with three 50-milliliter portions (three 1.7 fluid oz. portions) of methylene
chloride. Note: after each extraction, the methylene chloride will be the upper layer. After the extraction process, combine all methylene chloride
extracts, if not already done so, and then dry this combined methylene chloride mixture by adding to it, 15 grams (0.52 oz.) of anhydrous magnesium
sulfate—thereafter, stir the whole mixture for about 10 minutes, and then filter-off the magnesium sulfate. Thereafter, place the filtered methylene
chloride mixture into a distillation apparatus or rotary evaporator, and remove the methylene chloride. When no more methylene chloride is collected,
recover the left over remaining oil. Now, to this oil, place it into a reflux apparatus, and heat it to 180 Celsius. Note: during the heating process,
the oil will self heat raising the temperature to about 260 Celsius. When this temperature change results, stop the heating process, and then place
the oil (which will now be red in color) into a vacuum distillation apparatus (after it has cooled, or simply replace the reflux condenser with the
appropriate glass adapters and immediately begin the vacuum distillation process), as similar to the one used for the distillation of safrole as
listed above, but use only one condenser and receiver rather then two, and distill the oil at 158 celsius under a vacuum of 16 millimeters of mercury.
When no more oil is obtained at this temperature and vacuum, stop the distillation process, and then remove the left over remaining residue, and
discard it. To the collected fraction, re-vacuum distill it using the same apparatus (after it has been cooled, and cleaned), and re-vacuum distill
the oil at 158 Celsius, under a vacuum of 16 millimeters of mercury to obtain a refined 4-allyl catechol product. |