Has anyone here done this project yet? I am still thinking of a design to start with then everything to making a steam to generate electric to trying
to tunnel into stone.Sulaiman - 1-7-2017 at 01:32
with sunlight being c 1 kW/m2 you will need a very large mirror/lens/aperture
and it will need to be steered to track the sun, as the focal point image moves by 1 diameter per two minutes.curiosity_cat - 1-7-2017 at 10:10
Another idea I had was somehow building a solar air conditioning system that just ran when ever the sun shined.
Cut out all the extra parts becuase it hot sunny places people run the AC all day anyway so make if the sun is shining then unit is on.
Something I've thought about was semi-passive climate control by regulating roof albedo:
Get a bunch of clear tubes
silver the outside of them, halfway lengthwise (mylar?)
paint the inside of that half black
cover the roof with them; add motor arrays
During the summer, the tubes could be rotated so that the silvered outside reflects sunlight which would otherwise be absorbed and need removal as
heat. During cold months, the tubes could be rotated to the absorbing black side, and air circulated through to transfer heat. A smart house might
continuously, dynamically adjust them for fine-tuned homeostasis
[Edited on 1-7-2017 by mayko]Twospoons - 1-7-2017 at 15:17
Another idea I had was somehow building a solar air conditioning system that just ran when ever the sun shined.
Are you aware of solar sorption refrigeration? Utilises methanol and activated carbon in a sortion/desorption cycle, driven by solar heat. No
compressors, or other moving parts. Good enough to make ice with apparently.curiosity_cat - 2-7-2017 at 20:00
Are you aware of solar sorption refrigeration? Utilises methanol and activated carbon in a sortion/desorption cycle, driven by solar heat. No
compressors, or other moving parts. Good enough to make ice with apparently.
I would love to come up with the idea that made solar AC go mainstream even if I never got the credit for it. Actually that might irritate me but not
that much.