Sciencemadness Discussion Board


gil - 18-1-2007 at 17:51

UNDENIABILY, music has a determinate effect on body
Some tick-trok tac noises so important for humans, now, trough history,in all the cultures,...
I imagine dopamine, serotonine, 5HT receptors are involved,
but are there any study, measurament, ever been done?
By conventional science, proper study.
Just came to my mind.

I mean, it's not working by distracting you. Has got a tangibile,determinate effect.
Only a couple of hours ago I was a bit ahem,"exotermic?
I put on "Also sprach Zarathustra",R. Strauss (arr.E.Deodato)
and does the job.

It's placebo, is working begause i'm expecting to do so,
or what?
Tinking, it's definitly not placebo.Icould make example.
Then a BIOCHEMICAL reaction is involved somehow.
Bless my ignorance! IN VINO VERITAS!
bom Dionisios. Baccus and Eleusis! Open my mind.
Would be good to know more about it about the biochemistry
of music. Anyone?

Sergei_Eisenstein - 19-1-2007 at 12:07

Music influences your mind, which is the manifestation of a biochemical soup de excellence. It is shortsighted to point into the direction of a few receptors. It's not because Zarathustra makes you feel good that the same would be true for your neighbour.

Music is sometimes used in therapy. If you are interested in it, information is easy to find.

Also, there is no veritas in vino, only calamitas.

MargaretThatcher - 19-1-2007 at 17:19

"Also, there is no veritas in vino, only calamitas."

Such rejoinders smack of someone. I can't think who.

GAMESH - 20-1-2007 at 06:49

WATTA C$&AP IS THIS! music is not a chemical! noexpert needed !
ETOH/ magnets too! nonsense.