To be fair, some of us did find the thread. I wish Axt had kept his videos somewhere other than Geocities... they might as well be hieroglyphs on a
wall cartouche buried in the Valley of the Kings.
I'm disappointed that it is a liquid.
In the thread they claim that it is less stable in storage than NG. Why is that? The nitrocarbon is tertiary and thus does not undergo tautomerism,
thereby cutting off most reaction pathways that involve nitrocarbons. The nitratoxy groups are all attached to primary carbons, like in PETN and EGDN,
and unlike in the less stable nitroglycerin, ETN, and nitromannite.
PETN and EGDN are far more stable than the others mentioned, and I was under the impression that this was due to all of their nitratoxy groups being
on primary carbons. Decomposition of nitrate esters begins with the formation of free radicals by the loss of NO2. Free radicals are stabilized by
hyperconjugation, electron-donating groups, and polarizability. An oxygen atom attached to a primary carbon alpha to a nitro group would seem to have
a much higher barrier to formation than those in the breakdown of ETN or NG.
Is the inferior storage stability of NIBTN inherent to the
He is Video Demolitions on YouTube I'm pretty sure. Some of his stuff remains there.