originally posted by UnintentionalChaos :
The stuff you're looking for is in carbon-zinc dry cell batteries. These are usually the "batteries included" batteries when you buy things. The last
ones i pulled apart had the following structure: a steel sheet was wrapped around a plastic sheath. Under the sheath is a zinc "shell" around a paper
lining, which surrounds the gooey insides which is mostly manganese dioxide and ammonium chloride. In the center is the carbon rod you are looking
for. To open it up, crush the stainless steel shell with pliers until the seam is bent open and you can pry the whole thing off. Use a small pair of
scissors to cut the plastic sheath away and remove the metal cap which covers the end of the carbon rod. Pliers can now be used to extract the rod.
The manganese dioxide paste is very sticky and the rod will require washing and a light sanding to clean off completely. The manganese dioxide is
easier to recover from alkaline batteries, so I just throw the dry cell paste away. In order to keep the paste from adhering to everything (it is very
sticky and water repellant) i cover my hands, the pliers, and scissors with liquid soap. Afterward, everything washes away nicely. Cut the zinc casing
down the side (it is quite soft) with the scissors and scoop out the paper sheath and paste. Save the zinc sheeting and carbon electrodes. I used AA
batteries and got nice electrodes. The lantern batteries should provide a few very large carbon rods if you were to dissect one.