I have successfully produced very pure PGC by electrochemical preparation by using 40gpl of KCN as both the anode and cathode solution.
The anode was a 24k pure gold foil, the cathode was a 304 Stainless steel inside a porous cup. Voltage was around 12v.
Upon anode disintegration, the anode solution was boiled down to 25% volume, as the solution cools very white PGC precipitated. Washed with very cold
water three times and was vacuum dried.
Now I wonder if the same procedure will work for Nickel, Copper and Silver? As their potassium cyanide salt form is not readily available in my
country I have to prepare them myself. PHILOU Zrealone - 30-11-2016 at 09:47
PGC? Potassium Gold cyanide?autumnwilow - 4-12-2016 at 07:15
Silver I think yes. I don't know about the others. DraconicAcid - 21-12-2016 at 09:55
K2[Ni(CN)4] is easily made by reaction of KCN with nickel cyanide (itself easily made by reaction of any soluble nickel salt with two equivalents of
potassium cyanide).