Sciencemadness Discussion Board

The Atomic Chemistry Set

BJ68 - 30-9-2016 at 04:34

To whom it may concern:

Kickstarter Project

Found over

IMHO worth to support at a time like this, where the restriction of the supply of chemicals is at the rise.


MrHomeScientist - 30-9-2016 at 06:27

Glad to see another chemistry set campaign. I backed the Heirloom Chemistry Set, which is eerily similar:

I had to point out, though, that in their video at 2:00 they show an experiment called "sodium hydroxide titration" and it's clearly not that at all. You can't make titration look exciting, so they just have dry ice in colored water. lol

Dwarvensilver - 9-10-2016 at 13:17

I Like it!!!!
Best thing since I stole.... er took over my older brothers chemistry set about 1966 :D, they just don't make em any more.

fluorescence - 10-10-2016 at 10:12

Interesting idea. The design reminds me a bit of the the very old Kosmos chemistry set from I think 1930s ?
The concept seems quite good. I don't know about the US but for Germany for example I see some problems like the use of Dichromate and especially the amounts of chemicals. I talked to the Kosmos before. The chemicals which can be used for these sets are limited and listed which is why although other companies manufacture them as well the chemicals never really change.

But would love to have one of these. Probably wouldn't open it up and save it as it is.

Fidelmios - 16-10-2016 at 01:18

Those reward tiers are super far and inbetween. However, it is a nice thing!