chemrox - 30-8-2016 at 10:23
Please don't ask members to tell you how to do things you can look up. If you've looked up a synthesis and have refs but encountered a specific
problem ask. But have background and be specific. If you don't want to ask on the board be sure it's because the member you're asking has expressed
know-how and not because it's a subject that shouldn't be asked here.
aga - 30-8-2016 at 12:11
If it's a synth question that can't be said on the open forum, shouldn't have been asked in the 1st place.
I've also had a few U2Us i'd rather never had received, although not recently.
Name 'n' shame dude.
Chances are they sent the same thing to many.
myristicinaldehyde - 31-8-2016 at 10:33
My username attracted, for a while, quite a few U2Us asking for either a route or a request to buy (!) the myristicinaldehyde. It seemed to have
stopped, for whatever reason. It was fun while it lasted