Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Make copper nitrate from copper and sodium nitrate

chbarros - 11-4-2016 at 12:47

Hi every one! I'm new on this, so I'm sorry for my english or my lack of experience.
I maneged to do Cu(NO3)2 by a electrolytic way, using a solution of sodium nitrate in a divided cell.
I puted 60g of NaNO3 in 180ml of water then I used a small clay pot (homemade with a piece of brick ) inside a glass becker. I used a graphite rod as cathode(clay pot) and a copper wire as anode(becker).
1 - In the first experiment i puted equal amounts of the solution inside the clay pot and the becker.
2 - In the second experiment i puted the solution in the becker and just water in the clay pot.
The voltage was 24v
The problem is that after a while, a black substance started to form on the outside wall of the clay pot in the second experiment. I Know it is copper oxide that formed after the thermal decomposition of copper hydroxide.
I want to know with there is a limit to do the electrolysis, and if this limit is the concentration in both ,clay pot and becker. And if the second experiment is more advisible then the first one.