Sciencemadness Discussion Board

16 coordination and a Caesium getter

j_sum1 - 22-3-2016 at 20:29

I came across this recent presentation. I couldn't access the paper but the article was interesting on two fronts:
Firstly a massive 16 coordination between Cs and F.
Secondly an interesting and potentially very useful method for isolating Cs.

I don't have much to add other than what is in the article but I thought I'd share.

Tdep - 22-3-2016 at 22:01

Amazing about the 16 co-ordinate complex, thanks for sharing!

Also while we are here, if anyone has a cheap source of CsCl, hit me and j_sum1 up, thanks.

j_sum1 - 23-3-2016 at 01:56

Quote: Originally posted by Tdep  
Also while we are here, if anyone has a cheap source of CsCl, hit me and j_sum1 up, thanks.

Well, there are always these. The problem is that it is sold as a quack cancer cure. That being the case, i would not vouch for the accuracy of the label either. Actually, I would not trust the label as far as I could chew it up and spit it.