You can also treat the wood, plant fiber, whatever (after reducing particle size, so start with small particles) with bleach (NaOCl). After thorough
washing, you'll have relatively pure cellulose. If you go to long, or too heavy with the bleach, you will lose yield. Start out dilute.
Also, tetrabutylammonium hydroxide will do it, too. Fractionally dilute to ppt the cellulose and keep the lignin/hemicellulose in solution.
Of course, high T (160 °C or so--melting point of the particular lignin type) in dilute H2SO4 in a stirred/rotating pressure reactor works, too. This
can be modified via addition of organic solvents, as well. see COSLIF.
Awesome thanks I'll start trying these I have ground the material fairly fine so I'll try your suggestions
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