Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Perfecting titrating

gambler - 25-8-2006 at 22:50

SWIT realises the importance of titrating and is sick of gassing above all.

However, i wish to practice titrating do some practice titration curves, calculations etc, before i unleash myself in the woods so to speak.

I guess what i am looking for is a few practice titration exercises (preferably from relatively easy/cheap reagants) so i can perfect my titrating.

Many thanks in advance

BeerChloride - 21-9-2006 at 03:07

To test yourself, you need to know a priori what you have. Thus, you need a really good scale. Usually KHP is used as a standard acid to calibrate your solutions, because it is not hygroscopic and is therefore accurately determined. Then you need indicators like phenolphthalein. It's best to have the solution constantly stirred magnetically. Obviously, burettes. One skill is to learn how to effectively deliver fractions of a drop. For actual titration curves, you need a pH meter.

I don't know if this helps any, but good luck. Who is SWIT.