Quote: Originally posted by zombiedude1 |
Either way, I'm starting to think these hotplates are highly inefficient after using them, especially for the price you pay! I've been able to heat up
to boiling point 10 gallons of an ethanol based mash within 20-30 minutes with no issues using propane, while nearly a 1kw/h hot plate takes
approximately 13 minutes to reach the boiling point with 150ml of water?
Propane isn't a good comparison here. Gas based fuels will almost always be able to boil water faster than their electrical counter parts. Not only
does it get hoter in general, but the heat/btu output is way higher.
You can get a "small" propane stove for camping that puts out 55000 BTU/Hr.. just that is equivalent to about 15,000 watts or so, roughly.
If you need to boil a large amount of liquid, and you don't have access to industrial power (or stove power, which the traditional kitchen stove uses
much higher rated power outlets), then gas is always preferable. The problem herein lies in that many things we boil/reflux when doing chemistry are
combustable, meaning using gas can be deadly if you do not take proper safety precautions. |