Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Sciencemadness Patches!

Zephyr - 27-5-2015 at 20:27

Hello Sciencemadness!
I've been thinking about making some patches to promote SM which could be sewn onto lab coats and other cloth items. Here is the design so far:

azBJ0Tb.png - 50kB

The dimensions will be about 2.5" tall and 1.5" wide, and all 100% embroidered.
Would any of you be interested in buying one? The price should be around $5 including shipping, with $0.50 of every purchase being donated to SM.
This is just to gauge interest and determine what type of design to use, I should buy and potentially start distributing them in July.
I hope you like the idea and design, any suggestions and constructive criticisms are welcome.
So, what do you think?

j_sum1 - 27-5-2015 at 20:52

I can't remember who it was but someone recently posted in one of the pictures threads showing that he had the logo embroidered on his lab coat. I thought I might do the same -- now that I have a lab coat.

Zephyr - 27-5-2015 at 20:55

Nice! I'm interested to see how it turned out, if anyone can find the photo.

Just so you guys know this isn't some capitalist venture, I just really wanted a patch and they're much cheaper to buy in bulk, so I thought why not promote SM at the same time!

j_sum1 - 27-5-2015 at 21:09

Here 'tis

jock88 - 28-5-2015 at 02:39

How about a price reduction at a tattoo chain for bulk customers.
You could have it tattooed on your own favourite location.

diggafromdover - 28-5-2015 at 05:58

Lose the border and motto. Just the interior design trimmed to the borders. Fantastich!

Zombie - 28-5-2015 at 06:42

Quote: Originally posted by diggafromdover  
Lose the border and motto. Just the interior design trimmed to the borders. Fantastich!

I agree!

I would certainly buy one.
I'm a sticker, and patch kind of guy. If I use someones product I proudly fly there banner.

Point, and case...

140413_005.jpg - 1006kB

subsecret - 28-5-2015 at 07:07

What about a shirt with this design? Having a patch on a lab coat that you only wear at home doesn't exactly promote SM.

Zephyr - 28-5-2015 at 07:54

Quote: Originally posted by diggafromdover  
Lose the border and motto. Just the interior design trimmed to the borders. Fantastich!

So you would prefer just this?

dotorgnew.png - 36kB

I like the simplicity, but it might be harder to get embroidered. I'd like to know which design other members prefer before I rule either design out.

Quote: Originally posted by subsecret  
What about a shirt with this design? Having a patch on a lab coat that you only wear at home doesn't exactly promote SM.

I know Zts16 has made some wonderful SM shirts, which you should check out. Let me see if I can find a link...
In terms of not promoting sciencemadness, I will probably end up attaching a patch to my backpack. You aren't limited to the lab coat, feel free to sew it any where you like.

aga - 28-5-2015 at 11:13

Yes !

I'll buy 4 t-shirts with that as the logo.

A print will do - does not have to be embroidered.

If embroidered, then a small logo top left of the t-shirt, about where a Star Trek communicator sigil thingy would be.

[Edited on 28-5-2015 by aga]

Zombie - 28-5-2015 at 11:27

Then where will you wear the communicator?

Think ahead silly!

I would actually buy a few of the patches because of the cool factor.
One on my leather, one on my riding armor, and one on the lab apron.

Actually 4 because I do need a pack for riding...

Zephyr - 28-5-2015 at 11:52

Great, I'm glad you're all interested.
I talked to the sewing company and making the edges of the flame and circle the edge of the patch would be fine.
So would you prefer that or the other original rectangular patch?

diggafromdover - 28-5-2015 at 12:34

I would like the boxless version. Consider some resizing. Bigger "O" giving better resolution to text and a wider, slightly shorter flame. Look great on Lab Coat!

Shirt good too.

[Edited on 28-5-2015 by diggafromdover]

aga - 28-5-2015 at 12:34

Flame, no border.

aga - 28-5-2015 at 12:35

is PayPal ok and when can i have some ?

Brain&Force - 28-5-2015 at 13:15

I'd like to see some stickers and decals as well. My telescope, computer, and boxes of odds and ends could use some.

j_sum1 - 28-5-2015 at 14:35

I think I will get my lab coat embroidered. It could be cool.
If there was a run of stickers, I would be in for a few of those as well.

Zombie - 28-5-2015 at 14:58

Quote: Originally posted by aga  
Flame, no border.

Sencond that emotion.

Flame/no border.

Can you make hats? how about a car wrap? Maybe matching Boxers? How about a stencil kit. You know the ones that come with paint, and brushes, in a mahogany gift box?

Oh, and a pair of old school gym socks with the logo in the wide color stripe area would be super nice.

If not the flame/no border will be cool.

Thanks for thinking of us, and offering this. That is the cool part. :D

Hawkguy - 28-5-2015 at 15:15

Any merchandise would be dope with sciencemadness logos. Simple as possible though

Zephyr - 28-5-2015 at 17:34

Alright, border less it is!
Aga, I'll be ordering them in the next week. They should take a few weeks to be made and arrive, so expect them to be available in about a month. And yes paypal will be ideal.
For those of you interested in shirts I think zts16 will post some pictures soon...

Texium - 28-5-2015 at 17:46

Yep, I made a shirt. I hadn't been planning on selling them though. I designed it and ordered it from VistaPrint. It cost about $12 with shipping and everything, so quite affordable when you order directly from them. It would be quite a bit pricier if I was to order more of these shirts, have them shipped to me, and then ship them all over the world. Plus, everyone probably has different preferences as to what they want to put on the shirts. Instead, I do believe it is possible for me to share the design on VistaPrint with anyone interested, and then if you want a shirt, you can order it from them, they can ship directly to you, and it's cheaper, faster, and easier for everyone. Or of course, you could design your own if you don't like mine at all. Here's what mine looks like:

IMG_0309.jpg - 2.1MB IMG_0308.jpg - 2.2MB
Also, VistaPrint lets you buy a ton of other little branded knick-knacks if you're interested (pens, coffee cups, etc). I didn't get any of those, but they were actually pretty affordable for the most part.

Zombie - 28-5-2015 at 19:48

I just thought of something... Is that logo copyrighted?

You guys are gonna get us all put in prison. I don't want to go to prison... I want a mess of patches tho. Hmmmmm.

Zephyr - 28-5-2015 at 19:54

I've talked briefly with Polverone about it, and he's fine with it as far as I know. After all, nothing malicious is going on here, we're just spreading the image of a great forum!

Zombie - 28-5-2015 at 20:21

Cool. I heard there is no beer in prison.:P

Zephyr - 28-5-2015 at 20:39

I'm sure I could rig up a distillation/fermentation setup ;)

j_sum1 - 28-5-2015 at 21:01

It's funny. When I first joined I thought that the logo was a bit quaint and outdated -- and not something inspirational or attractive.
Now, I really like it. I like the slogan. I like the sentiment. I would be quite happy to wear that and stick it on a few things.

But I do have some question...
1. What does the RG stand for? Or did I miss something?
2. Is there a high res version of the logo available or a version in vector format?

I am thinking of taking the image to an embroiderer or printer. It makes more sense than buying and importing from the US.

Volanschemia - 28-5-2015 at 21:20

Quote: Originally posted by j_sum1  

1. What does the RG stand for? Or did I miss something?

If you look at the main part of the logo, it makes an "O", and behind it is a dot. Add the "rg" and you get ".Org".

Zephyr - 28-5-2015 at 21:28

RG? as in one the logo? It spells .org, with the circle with the flame as the O.
Here's the best photo which I have found, thanks to brain&force.

dotorgnew.png - 12kB

I highly recommend you order your own patches if you can find an affordable alternative, but I really think this is the most affordable option(the price will probably go down as I'm getting better and better offers.) Also they will be small enough to be shipped in envelopes, so shipping, even to other countries, should be affordable.

[Edited on 5-29-2015 by Pinkhippo11]

Zombie - 28-5-2015 at 22:17

Quote: Originally posted by Pinkhippo11  
I'm sure I could rig up a distillation/fermentation setup ;)

They don't allow distillin in prison. If they catch you they put you in... prison.

Never mind.

Texium - 29-5-2015 at 04:29

I also asked Polverone for permission to use the logo before I made my shirt, and he was fine with that too.
I'll see if there's some way that I can share the design.

j_sum1 - 29-5-2015 at 04:50

Quote: Originally posted by TheAustralianScientist  
Quote: Originally posted by j_sum1  

1. What does the RG stand for? Or did I miss something?

If you look at the main part of the logo, it makes an "O", and behind it is a dot. Add the "rg" and you get ".Org".

Wow! That's trippy!

Hey did you guys all know that if you look at the FedEx logo there's a hidden arrow in there? :D

Tdep - 29-5-2015 at 04:57

subliminal.png - 60kB

Zephyr - 29-5-2015 at 07:52

I'm sorry to see some of you would like a different logo, which version would you prefer?
Currently it seems like the simple one not in a rectangle and without "The art and science of amateur experimentation" is the most popular. The issue with having the text is that it must be quite large to be clearly legible.

Zombie - 29-5-2015 at 08:37

Do you mean the "Science Madness" text?

That depends on the embroiderer. I have some pretty cool patches that are about the size of a baseball, and the font is clear.

You might have to ask that they run off a sample for approval, but they should know what they are doing.

Zephyr - 29-5-2015 at 08:52

Great! Good to hear the "Sciencemadness" will be legible. That's what the embroidery company assured me of also. I was originally planning to have the Scienecmadness slogan twisted around the outside of the circle, but they said it would cost quite a bit more to make that legible, as it would be more compact then just the name.
Good idea on running a sample first, I'll see if that's an option.

Zephyr - 17-6-2015 at 19:59

Good news, the patches have arrived!
They seem to have come out very well, despite slight marring of a few of the letters.


glUanZR.jpg - 87kB

aDs5y5K.jpg - 158kB

They are a pain to sew on, and it might be a better option to glue them on:

UKv3TOi.jpg - 56kB

But I think it was worth it:

bxklz6B.jpg - 104kB

For any of you interested in buying one, here is the pricing:

Diddi has kindly offered to distribute them throughout Australia, so it will be free shipping there also. If you live in Au, U2U him with you address and the quantity and pay directly to his PayPal.

Expect a few days of delay between ordering and being shipped. No longer than four days though.

Zephyr - 17-6-2015 at 21:08

Something I forgot to include in my original posting:
Orders from diddi will take longer to arrive as I have to mail them to him and then he has to mail them to you.

Sorry if the pricing is a bit complicated.
Here's a scenario to clarify: Someone in Australia wants two patches. They don't need international shipping so the first patch will cost $4. The second patch can be shipped with the first so it will only be $3. (any patches that can be shipped with the first only cost three dollars)
However, since they were in the first three to order they would receive an addition patch for free. This would mean it would cost them $7 for three patches.

Hope this clears up any questions. Feel free to U2U me or post any questions or concerns.

Zombie - 18-6-2015 at 10:34

They look amazing!

I'm about to start a project here in the house (the lab bench is getting installed) but I'll PM my order to you tonight.

I can't thank you enough PinkHippo! It was an awesome idea, and I'll wear mine proudly. Thanks for "hooking us up"!

aga - 18-6-2015 at 11:08

Eeek !

10 of those please, postage to Spain.

Pls U2U paypal address and i'll reply with postal address after paying.

I would have jumped on this sooner, but have been away on holiday - here's an irked leopard to prove it :-

pard.jpg - 337kB

Zombie - 18-6-2015 at 14:38

What were you doing in my yard Aga. That's my leopard!

You should have knocked. I have a few gallons of juice waiting for company.

Pm sent Pink.

Hawkguy - 18-6-2015 at 20:35

Guys wouldn't it be easier to have pins? Like boy scout style... The patches are dope, but they seem a bit inconvenient.

Zephyr - 18-6-2015 at 20:41

I like both, but I prefer patches. In my opinion they are more permanent, and they seem to be more customizable and brighter. I also prefer cloth over plastic.
But maybe thats just because I'm selling them ;)

Hawkguy - 18-6-2015 at 20:43

Well how about that. Something is still nifty though about having pins on me backpack though, patches make me feel like I have semi legal affiliations...

Zombie - 18-6-2015 at 23:27

Well then Hawk, The patches, and their "semi legal affiliation" should also create a semi legal sense of responsibility. ;)

I'm putting one each on my leather jacket, my riding armor, my lab apron, and saving one for a German WWII Rucksak I bought on Fleabay.

619355_ts.jpg - 146kB

Yes please

jock88 - 19-6-2015 at 03:11

images.jpg - 8kB

Zombie - 19-6-2015 at 11:15

You can't sew patches to a camel!!!

You need a staple gun.

Hawkguy - 19-6-2015 at 11:44

Quote: Originally posted by Zombie  
Well then Hawk, The patches, and their "semi legal affiliation" should also create a semi legal sense of responsibility. ;)

I'm putting one each on my leather jacket, my riding armor, my lab apron, and saving one for a German WWII Rucksak I bought on Fleabay.
I meant that usually when people I know have patches, it brings the stigma of either being affiliated, or a wannabe...

aga - 19-6-2015 at 11:57

Me bought some ;)

Sewing can i do. Yes.

Zombie - 30-6-2015 at 18:35

You all should support PinkHippo on this and buy a couple of these patches.
I just received my 4, and they are fantastic. First class all the way. The SciMad section is larger than a quarter, and smaller than a 1/2 dollar. They are about 3" tall, and 1.5 wide.

I give PH a lot of credit for supporting the forum so show some love in return.

I stapled mine to my dogs, and they are happy as can be. Not really... Crazy glue. (they're not really happy about it either)

Not... I'll be sewing like Martha Stewart tho. Not on the dogs. (cats)

macckone - 30-6-2015 at 20:56

Quote: Originally posted by Zombie  
Quote: Originally posted by Pinkhippo11  
I'm sure I could rig up a distillation/fermentation setup ;)

They don't allow distillin in prison. If they catch you they put you in... prison.

Never mind.

In prison it is called Hooch.
And they have a place in prison called SHU
that is like prison in prison when they catch you with Hooch.
I don't recommend Hooch or SHU.
Although I have less than reputable friends
with extensive experience with both, and they don't recommend
prison in the first place.

Zombie - 1-7-2015 at 08:50

If it's the only place you can make authentic "hootch", then so be it.

I mean I wouldn't age Bourbon in a Pine Cask! Life is full of choices.

diggafromdover - 1-7-2015 at 09:24

I could be the pruno-meister

Zephyr - 1-7-2015 at 10:06

Thanks Zombie, I'm glad you like them!
I'm also excited to see pictures of where you've placed the patches.

I still have more patches, so if anyone else wants them, don't hesitate to shoot ma a U2U!

Zombie - 1-7-2015 at 12:36

Quote: Originally posted by diggafromdover  
I could be the pruno-meister

Lofty goal. There is immense responsibility in that position.

Collecting just the right prunes, finding the right strains of yeast from the multiple available sources
Even knowing which toilet tank is on the correct wall for constant temperature control...

You gotta love a guy that shoots for the top.
I'll have one of my crew send you a kite with details.

diggafromdover - 2-7-2015 at 08:09

Patches arrived. Certified by minister of war as cute. Excellent!

Steam - 2-7-2015 at 11:06

I would DEFINITELY be interested in all sciencemadness gear/apparel.

aga - 2-7-2015 at 11:11

Buy some !

Send pinkhippo some paypal !

Zephyr - 31-7-2015 at 08:46

Huge thank you to everyone who has purchased, I hope you are enjoying them!
Just wanted to bop this thread in the hopes that some new eyes might see it.

aga - 31-7-2015 at 09:30

they're great !

Certainly going to feature one in any photo i post.


Like this ...

[Edited on 31-7-2015 by aga]

badges.JPG - 65kB

diddi - 31-7-2015 at 15:25

way to go aga!

don't forget. no extra shipping costs inside Australia. U2U me if you want one.

[Edited on 31-7-2015 by diddi]

alive&kickin - 21-8-2015 at 22:07

Just a quick response from a satisfied customer. Thanks for the great looking patches. I'm sure when my friends see them, I'll have to buy more.

Fantasma4500 - 26-9-2015 at 12:52

cheap and without much problems, great quality.. still assuming i will find something to put it onto some day

aga - 26-9-2015 at 13:13

Stitch them onto everything : lab coat, tie (!), socks - everything !

diddi - 26-9-2015 at 19:52

Aussies - there will be a delay in shipping patches as the official Australian distributor has run out (for now)

Zephyr - 27-9-2015 at 16:23

Quote: Originally posted by Antiswat  
cheap and without much problems, great quality.. still assuming i will find something to put it onto some day

Thanks for the feedback, if you really can't find anything you can always stick them onto your reaction setups!

YGAkK08.jpg - 408kB

diddi - 1-12-2015 at 18:55

OK aussies - Great News!
A new shipment of your highly sought after SM sew on patches has arrived down under, just in time for Christmas.
What a perfect gift. PM me if you are keen.

arkoma - 16-12-2015 at 11:38

100_1356.JPG - 2.4MB

CharlieA - 21-12-2015 at 13:55

I just received my Science Madness patches from pinkhippo 11. They arrived in about 10 days (probably astounding service from the US Postal Service). The patches are very colorful, but now I have to sew one on my lab coat by hand...or maybe Velcro? You can't go wrong with these patches.:)

arkoma - 21-12-2015 at 14:12

I started to sew one on my ball cap---even with a good needle and thimble it was a chore. JB Weld to the rescue w000t!

Also glued one to the front of my Lab Notebook
100_1374.JPG - 2.3MB

[Edited on 12-21-2015 by arkoma]

mayko - 7-1-2016 at 16:10

I got mine today; will add to my lab coat + hoodie and report back with pictures!

MrHomeScientist - 3-1-2017 at 11:10

Are patches still available? What's the cost?

aga - 3-1-2017 at 11:26

Quote: Originally posted by MrHomeScientist  
Are patches still available? What's the cost?

Quote: Originally posted by diddi  
PM me if you are keen.

Texium - 3-1-2017 at 11:44

@aga: MrHomeScientist is in the US, and would therefore receive his patches from Zephyr, not diddi.

aga - 3-1-2017 at 11:54

Whoops !

Didn't know that Flerovium was a US state.

Mental note: Remembering that has to be a quiz-winner.

MrHomeScientist - 3-1-2017 at 12:04

Also those posts were over a year old.

Suppose I can PM Zephyr then, thanks zts.

Zephyr - 3-1-2017 at 19:04

Hello Sciencemadness! Sorry for my absence, life has been getting hectic. I've still been making time to work in the lab, and I'll try and post about it a bit more...

Anyways, I'm happy to report that there are still several patches left! Get them while they last!

They are still $4 for the first patch and $3 for every additional patch, shipping included. I know wit's not the cheapest but I can guarantee they are very high quality and every buyer has been very satisfied. And small custom orders are expensive.

Thanks, feel free to U2U me if you are interested!

MrHomeScientist - 18-1-2017 at 07:34

I got my patches the other day, and they look really great! Thanks Zephyr! I'll be sure to post pictures when I get a new lab coat and sew one on.

Sulaiman - 18-1-2017 at 10:44

I like showing the patch in photo's of experiments
but I recently put mine somewhere 'safe'
... so I just asked Zephyr to sell me another one,
when I find the original patch I'll have two :)

support your local patch maker !

Plunkett - 1-1-2018 at 16:23

I made this shirt today. It is not a patch, but I did not want to start a new thread for one photo. I followed this YouTube tutorial to make it and I can share the stencil if anyone is interested (its just the logo optimized for printing). If you have an iron, spray bottle, bleach, and a craft knife it can be made for under $10 in materials and three hours of time.
IMAG2838_1.jpg - 482kB

Radium212 - 2-1-2018 at 03:02

Could you sell them on eBay?

arkoma - 2-1-2018 at 07:01

Nice job Plunkett. I had a scimad shirt made from a guy on ebay. Zephyr!!! Glad to see you back!!

Texium - 2-1-2018 at 10:39

Quote: Originally posted by arkoma  
Zephyr!!! Glad to see you back!!
Note the timestamp- that was a year ago that he last posted. I've talked to him recently though. He's still around, just busy with other stuff and not doing chemistry right now.

Plunkett - 2-1-2018 at 12:03

Quote: Originally posted by j_sum1  
Is there a high res version of the logo available or a version in vector format?

I tried to match everything as best I could, but I could not get the black border around the flames as thick as the original.
Attachment: SMlogo.svg (63kB)
This file has been downloaded 751 times

Quote: Originally posted by Radium212  
Could you sell them on eBay?

I do not have the time to make more right now, but if you are really interested and willing to wait I might be able to do another one in the future.

[Edited on 2-1-2018 by Plunkett]