Damn MnO2 is insoluble in water..how do I filter it out?
Errrm... with a filter?Amos - 13-5-2015 at 11:26
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you meant to say glycerin, and not glycine, the amino acid.Pumukli - 13-5-2015 at 11:41
But don't use filter paper!
KMnO4 and filter paper (actually any paper) just generates more MnO2. And if you try to remove that by filtering again on another filter paper... :-)
Maybe that carbon like foam is not carbon at all but wet MnO2 and entrapped CO2 bubbles from the oxidation of glycine. Permanganate oxidizes glycine
and in neutral environment (you used water not an acid to wet the mixture) the oxydation ends at MnO2 and not at Mn(2+).
Maybe you can purify some "carbon" from the foam and decide (test) if it is real carbon or MnO2.blogfast25 - 13-5-2015 at 11:44
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you meant to say glycerin, and not glycine, the amino acid.
Good point, I think.gatosgr - 13-5-2015 at 11:59
Ofcourse I mean the amino acid... Pumukli I think is correct I should try to purify the mixture as much as I can and figure out if it's carbon or
MnO2, thanks for the answers.
[Edited on 13-5-2015 by gatosgr]zed - 13-5-2015 at 14:30
Shooting for Nitromethane?gatosgr - 14-5-2015 at 04:16
No not really but I found out what you're talking about.