Baking !
Now there is a Science and an Art all rolled into one.
My mother makes perfect Yorkies every time, and measures nothing at all, so was not able to write down a recipe.
To arrive at a working Yorkshire Pudding process i once spent a day with three dozen eggs and a couple of kg of flour, varying the recipe/heating
profile each time.
This derived process achieves a very similar product, and they rise every time :-
2 eggs, 110g of plain flour, a pinch of salt. Beat together then add cold milk - just enough to achieve a single-cream consistency. Oven on full whack
(250C). Bun tray in there with just enough veg oil to cover the bottom of each bun compartment. When the oil is smoking, quickly pour in the batter
mixture, return to oven. Leave for 5 minutes at 250 C, then reduce to 230 C until the Yorkies have risen and are as brown as you like them.
A recipe for making baguettes would be highly appreciated Helafunt.
My attempts have never achieved that crunchy exterior with a light & fluffy interior - the surface of the bread always ends up smooth and hard,
more like pastry than bread crust. |