Originally posted by i.k88s.f.u
I want to test river water for purity, i want to check if there are any heavy metals,nitrates,nitrites,halogens and bacteria in the water...
Working in the water industry, I know what tests you need to run, but they are (mostly) prepackaged kits we buy from Hach. I'll do some checking and
see if any of the manuals give reagent names and quantities- they usually require a basic spectrophotometer to read the results. The "bible" in the
water industry is "Standard Methods for Testing Water and Wastewater", a large book with US EPA approved testing procedures for various components of
water quality. Try a search on eBay or Amazon for "Standard Methods" and see what you come up with.
The hardest for amateurs would be the tests for biology. There are so many different kinds of biology found in natural waters that we have specialists
just to identify them, and the training and tools are horribly expensive.
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