Because pseudoephedrine can be used in the illegal manufacture of methamphetamine, it is expected that phenylephrine will become more common. In
particular, Pfizer, who manufactures the name brand decongestant Sudafed, introduced "Sudafed PE" in 2004. The new formulation uses phenylephrine
instead of pseudoephedrine. Because it has been on the market for several years, phenylephrine is not legally patented by any drug company. Thus, many
generic forms are available in addition to Pfizer's formula.
Pfizer was a strong opponent of strict pseudoephedrine laws previous to their introduction of "Sudafed PE", but now that their product is widely
available (and currently the primary non-pseudoephedrine decongestant formula), they have changed their position to support legal changes severely
restricting the sale of pseudoephedrine products.