Sciencemadness Discussion Board

is there a way i can use hydrogen for rocket fuel

09ragero - 25-2-2006 at 21:35

are there any way i can use hydrogen by its self to produce rocket propellent

runlabrun - 25-2-2006 at 22:58

no, the point of rocket fuel is the fuel (hydrogen) and the oxidant (oxygen) burning to form water and a butload of energy.


The_Davster - 25-2-2006 at 23:28

Based on this post and your other posts you must Walk before you run...

[Edited on 26-2-2006 by rogue chemist]

leu - 26-2-2006 at 05:27

You can buy a toy hydrogen rocket kit from:


12AX7 - 26-2-2006 at 10:38

Sure can. Take a bag, fill it with hydrogen, now squeeze and squeeze until it's up around 3000PSI, then load the pressurized bag into a rocket body, and puncture the bag. Zoom!


(See also: how to enrich uranium with a bucket.)


100% guaranteed flight results

Lambda - 26-2-2006 at 13:09

Shore, ... and a good one too. 100% guaranteed flight results, at an astonishing speed, never to forget, ... if you live up to the Storyteller Status. You will certainly be remembered, maybe not like Goddard and Werner von Braun, ... but what the hell, you will have fun, and that's what counts in life. It's better to live short and intense, than having to go through a long bore.

You need:

1.- Big heavy duty Sledge Hammer

2.- Big Hydrogen Cylinder used for Welding, filled to it's maximum allowable pressure.

3.- Open Flame Source.

How to start Rocket Engine:

Place the Hydrogen Cylinder horizontal, and with the Sledge Hammer, give the Valve/Manometer head a sharp blow. Adding an open Flame Source, directed at the valve/Manometer head, will enhance thrust during takeoff.


It's best to take an insurance by P&O Nedlloyd, for they deal with big liability coverages.

evil_lurker - 26-2-2006 at 15:05

Better yet, take a cylinder, fill it with about a pound of propane, then hook it to the high pressure oxygen tank and pressurize it.

THAT would be the bombz.

Mr. Wizard - 26-2-2006 at 19:04

I read somewhere where leaking high pressure Hydrogen will ignite without an ignition source due to ultrasonic vibrations causing localized heating in the gas stream. So you might be able to skip the ignition source when you use the hammer to knock off the tank valve :-)
The ignition would not add any thrust to the escaping gas jet.
Perhaps what you are alluding to is the theoretical use of mono atomic Hydrogen combining to form H2, ( H + H =H2) which gives much more energy than burning with O2. This mono atomic hydrogen can be formed in an electric arc, and it immediately combines to form the H2, with a tremendous release of heat. I think it was mentioned as a theoretical fuel in one of Willy Ley's books. There is presently no known way of keeping this reaction from taking place as soon as the mono atomic gas is formed. You could also use hydrogen as a fuel in a fusion machine to drive a spacecraft by the formation of Helium, as in the sun. Technical problems still have to be solved to make these a reality.:D They seem to have been solved in many science fiction books however, such as the Bussard Ramjet

Lambda - 27-2-2006 at 23:22

Here you are 09ragero,

This is a good book on how to Design, Build and Test Small Liquid-Fuel Rocket Engines:

How to Design, Build and Test Small Liquid-Fuel Rocket Engines - By Krzycki (1967 - Reprint 2003).pdf (71 Pages).

Rocket Engines.rar (5.80 MB):

Enjoy !

DeAdFX - 28-2-2006 at 18:55

In my chemistry class our teacher had us fill a one liter pop bottle with hydrogen and oxygen with this equation in mind 2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O. Their is a loud report and the rocket will generally fly a few feet. How to get the H2 and O2 is up to you...