cpman - 3-12-2014 at 05:41
Last night, I found a spam post that was added onto the end of a good thread (about depleted uranium) in Radiochemistry. It was one of your typical
nonsensical spam posts advertising shoes.
So, I reported that post. I woke up this morning and found that the whole thread is gone!
I know most spam comes in new threads, but if this happens when reporting a spam post in an existing thread, there could be issues.
[Edited on 12-3-2014 by cpman]
Chemosynthesis - 3-12-2014 at 09:58
Interesting. I've reported a post on the end of a thread before and the thread was retained, so this sounds like a mistake.
chemrox - 5-12-2014 at 00:04
Lets launch a boycott of Nike and let them know...and let them know why!
Bert - 5-12-2014 at 11:55
Or just go for BLOODY REVENGE!!!
The Volatile Chemist - 5-12-2014 at 12:13
Bert, that's really funny. We should all do it
How, erm, legal is that, though?
But the SpamDuh extension looks exceptionally funny It allows you to create
webpages full of fake emails for spammers to attempt to spam.
[Edited on 12-5-2014 by The Volatile Chemist]