How prepared a energetic material which used a double bound between the nitrogen and the carbon atom ?
example is the
and with which chemicals is it realizable ?
Contingently used starting materials and more than one chemical. (amides, amines and acids) ?simply RED - 2-1-2006 at 10:36
Nitramide plus ketone may give the desired structure.
H2N-NO2 + R2C=O = R2C=N-NO2 + H2O
Nitrating guanidine (to (NH2)2C=N-NO2) is also a possible idea.
The geometry of =N-NO2 is quite interesting. It should be a planar structure.
[Edited on 2-1-2006 by simply RED]Marvin - 3-1-2006 at 04:14
The 'standard' method for nitrimines is to react a diazoalkane with excess nitric oxide.
Carbonyl+nitramine might work for a few specific cases.Axt - 9-1-2006 at 19:00
Originally posted by simply RED
Nitramide plus ketone may give the desired structure.
H2N-NO2 + R2C=O = R2C=N-NO2 + H2O
Originally posted by Marvin
Carbonyl+nitramine might work for a few specific cases.
Selected extracts from J. W. Suggitt et. al.; J. Org. Chem.; 1947; 12(3); 373-378.
"<i>We have succeeded in preparing furfuralnitrimine by the simple condensation of furfural with nitramide without catalyst or solvent. The
reaction would not take place with solvent present.
Furfuralnitrimine is reasonably stable (for a furan) when it is dry and, in fact, is best purified by sublimation at 100°.
No other aldehyde or ketone was found to condense with nitramide.</i>"
One for ketonitrimines that on the surface looks simple is from J. P. Freeman.; Chem. Rev.; 1973; 73(4); 283-292
"<i>There is at least one report of an a-ketonitrimine prepared by the action of a nitrite ester on a ketone in the presence of excess base, a
reaction in which the derived a-oximino ketone undergoes further nitrosation.</i>"
The parent ketone isn't mentioned, references to T. Matsumoto and S. Yasuda, Tetrahedron Lett., 5311 (1968).
Nitroguanidine, normally shown as H2N-C(=NH)-NH-NO2 was actually shown to be H2N-C(=NNO2)-NH2.
The Infrared Spectra of Nitroguanidine and Related Compounds
W. D. Kumler
J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 1954; 76(3); 814-816.
[Edited on 10-1-2006 by Axt]Madandcrazy - 11-1-2006 at 07:21
May be a nucleophilic addition with neutral bindings of a amide and a carbonyl-component or a ketone in acidic environment to realizing a nitrated
Attractive to this question probably the
C=N-NO2 or C-N(NO2)2 nitro groups.
[Edited on 11-1-2006 by Madandcrazy]Madandcrazy - 19-1-2006 at 07:33
Corrective to the last post anymore possible formulas to the synthesis for the diazine derivat and the binding to the nitrogen.
Surely a good way for a triazine synthesis.Madandcrazy - 27-1-2006 at 08:56
To the topic some more of a eventually possible additional
synthesis of a diazine, triazine or a nitated ketamin by a imin synthesis with the -N(NH2)2 group and a ketone.