Rosco Bodine - 30-10-2005 at 05:46
Just found out the easy way to get unencrypted .pdf for saving as single pages .
Go to the original document view , and in the webpage view options click
" maximize " and a second page will open , from which you can save unencrypted .pdf files , one page at a time , and then assemble into one
file without difficulty .
trilobite - 31-10-2005 at 18:26
That's good info, thanks. Now I don't need to write that program for decrypting the files anymore. It doesn't need any sort of cracking
by the way, because when a PDF file is encrypted without a password the encryption key is generated from various headers in the file. The fact that
the usual tools won't handle such files the way I would like them to is only a matter of developers respecting Adobe.
rim001 - 6-11-2005 at 01:53
see for geting patent as pdf
also try
S.C. Wack - 7-11-2005 at 15:36
Right next to the "maximize" there is now "save full document". A human verification window opens, etc. Works. Finally.