Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Toxicity of nitrated sugars

Greenhorn - 4-6-2005 at 06:25

I know that nitroglycerin is a vasodilator and can cause headaches, so the two times I made it I was very careful not to get any on me. Now I am making nitrosucrose, and I'm wondering, is it poisonous, and how much? Should I worry about getting any on my skin?

Also (and this question is not exactly related but I may as well save board space), with the process of heating a mixture of sulfuric acid and potassium nitrate and letting the gasses condense, how pure is the nitric acid produced? Since heat is released when I mix the nitric acid with sulfuric acid, it seems like there must be water in the nitric acid, though I can't think of where it came from - unless it was boiled out of the sulfuric acid and deposited into the gas collecting container.

chemoleo - 4-6-2005 at 07:47

I'd worry more of getting hot acid on my skin. I doubt nitrosucrose is as potent, as it is a solid, and not well soluble in solvents except MeOH and ether. Further, It likely won't interact with your nitro-receptors as well as a small volatile molecule such as NG.

As to your other off topic question, have a look at the resident nitric acid threads, of which there are plenty. The redder the acid, the worse essentially. Careful destillation is required. Check those threads.

GODhack - 20-3-2006 at 12:41

Be careful alot! In general All chemicals are poison.
Me played with nitro explosives alot for a month, everything was good and wery fun until one night I woke up and saw my skin bloat and red-spoted. I was fearing to go to medics. :mad: Yeah it's almost one year after that acident, but sometimes I still can see small strange red spots on my skin. They appear and disappear. I have hope that this will disappear totaly after few more months.

Boomer - 21-3-2006 at 00:44

"'s almost one year ... strange red spots .... They appear and disappear"

That's called flashbacks, caused by the acid. Lysergic acid to be precise :P

Next time tell the doc you spilled drain cleaner or whatnot. There's no long term damage anyway.

All nitric esters are vasodilators, but they have to get in your system where they form nitrites. Vapours and liquids are bad, but solids hardly penetrate the skin, so if you avoid breathing the dust you are fine.
Molecule size also plays a role, I found you can knead nitro glucose based plastique with bare hands (within reason) and get no headache, even though it is a (thick) liquid, while NG based stuff means pain. Solids (MHN, NS) all over my hands never hurt me either. But what's wrong with surgical gloves just to make sure?

GODhack - 21-3-2006 at 08:17

Lysergic acid? :mad: I was not producing LSD. :D
Your black humor is not fun. :cool:
not wery fun then hands look like this.

[Edited on 21-3-2006 by GODhack]

[Edited on 21-3-2006 by GODhack]