Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Complete Rhodium archive found on eMule !

Lambda - 29-5-2005 at 12:35

Untill now, I have only been able to find small fragments of the Rhodium archive on eMule.

Recently however, this "loverboy" of 243 mb has unpoped itself to it's full proportion in the form of a ZIP-file. It's a complete backup of this forum untill 04-12-2004.

eMule 0.46b is currently available for download (and it's freeware !).

All you have to do, is to type in the following filename in your search query:

Rhodium Chemistry Archive Backup (complete mirror) 4-12-2004.

Or, just type in "RHODIUM" and you will find other files that may also be of interest to you.


A man with his head in the clouds can not stand on the ground, unless he is a very big man (a wise chinese midget tolled me this).

[Edited on 30-5-2005 by Lambda]

Phel - 29-5-2005 at 13:17

Good find, Lambda. But is it really this big (243mb)? My latest copy was updated August 8, 2003, size 19mb.

I am currently seeing 11 sources, and speed at around 12KB/s.

Lambda - 29-5-2005 at 13:35

What you have found Phel, is one of the fragments that I have mentiond. I have the rock hard evedence right in front of me. In all it's glory 243 mb, and it poped in yesterday !. Since then I have been lifted out of my depression and are now euforic like hell. I don't need drugs to get high, with this kind of information floating around on the net.

eMule workes with a credit system, what I mean is, you get what you give. High uploade, high download. It took me 1-2 days to get the the Rhodium file

Wars are won by the tip of a fountain pen, and not with guns !

[Edited on 30-5-2005 by Lambda]

Polverone - 29-5-2005 at 14:42

243 MB is too small to be an archive of all of Rhodium's including PDF and other scanned documents. It's also too small to be a complete archive of the message board including pictures and attached documents. Is this just a text archive of messages from the board? Is the 243 MB before or after the archive is decompressed? I would be interested if you could post (say) a directory tree listing of the files from the decompressed archive. If it really is a complete archive of messages, someone with emule and an FTP account should get it and upload it to axehandle's site.

[Edited on 5-29-2005 by Polverone]

Rhodium complete ?...Hardcore chemistry, Yes !...Discussion board, No !

Lambda - 29-5-2005 at 22:43

Dear Polverone, your assumption was right after all, for I have no idee how big this file would have been with the discussion board added including all it's attachments.
Rhodium became history just as I had loged in for the first time, my notebook computer still bears the scares of this exceedingly frustrating event. I am reminded daily, of what I prefere to forget.

However, the chemistry section is complete and interactive with all it's atachments added. The archive file is 243 mb and unpacked 273 mb with many unpacked archives within. She is stunning !, a real eye popper.

I would like to make her available, for all you guys to use and abuse to your own content. Please in inform me on how I may play "pimp" (I don't have an FTP account for my escort service).

A man with his head in the clouds can not stand on the ground, unless he is a very big man (a wise chinese midget tolled me this).

[Edited on 30-5-2005 by Lambda]

definitely incomplete

tonyxxy - 30-5-2005 at 06:42

The archive you've found is definitely incomplete. Last year in september I've downloaded the complete Rhodium site. Including pdf's it's about 1,23GB. Pdf's only are around 1,1GB. Unfortunately my bandwith is very limited and I'm unable to upload this archive in one time.

For those interested I can post a list with
all the pdf's (total: 1434)

[Edited on 31-5-2005 by tonyxxy]

Re: rhodium 1 gig + file

solo - 30-5-2005 at 11:13

Why don't you do that the list of the pdf, and maybe you can e- mail the files to the g mail account someone has made available here on the forum......solo


S.C. Wack - 30-5-2005 at 11:21

the list.

[Edited on 30-5-2005 by S.C. Wack]

Attachment: filelist.txt (401kB)
This file has been downloaded 5287 times

Blind Angel - 30-5-2005 at 13:09

definitely upload it to gmail, i can furnish 50 account if needed.
You can also use GMailFS
Which use gmail as a hardrive so you can browse folder and all. Plz up up up :D :D

tonyxxy - 30-5-2005 at 23:00

Here's my list.

Attachment: list.txt (76kB)
This file has been downloaded 7418 times

Blind Angel - 31-5-2005 at 03:32

Lambda one has HTML +pic instead of PDF that might explain a bit....

JohnWW - 31-5-2005 at 06:24

You could split the 1.23 Gb Rhodium archive into files of 28.6 Mb (30,000,000 bytes) each, using WinRAR, and upload the WinRAR file portions to .

[Edited on 1-6-2005 by JohnWW]

Rhodium archive is indeed HTML version

Lambda - 31-5-2005 at 15:47

You are right Blind Angel, the 243 mb archive file is indeed the HTML version. Fully interactive though !. Polverone was right with his assumption about the size, there is no discussion board info. Chemistry, Pharmacology and Links (many are down by now) are all complete.

A man with his head in the clouds can not stand on the ground, unless he is a very big man (a wise chinese midget tolled me this)

joe_aldehyde - 7-6-2005 at 09:40

axehandle runs a leech chemistry ftp and i think that he would be delighted to host the big mirror. his site is incredibly fast (i got 1MB/s out of it).

Rhodium interactive HTML available for download via RAPID SHARE

Lambda - 11-6-2005 at 16:23

I have uploaded the requested Rhodium HTML-file to Rapid Share. Because of the upload limitations per file of max 30 mb, the file was split in 9 segments.

The first file, a RAR archive contains file segment 009, the CRC-file used to combine all sements and a "surprise program".

This "surprise program" may allso be used to combine all segments. All files MUST be in the same directory, and by "clicking" on the CRC-file you will be able to start the "recombining" sequence. The result will be one big RAR-archive file of 244 mb.

NB: All files are worthless, untill they have been combined !

Good luck !!, and I hope you will enjoy this Rhodium HTML-file as much as I do. The "surprise program" has allways been of great benefit to me, ever since it's first introduction into DOS (do you still remember DOS ?).
All good things come to those who wait patiently !

[Edited on 13-6-2005 by Lambda]

S.C. Wack - 4-8-2005 at 17:34

The above Rhodium archive contains 264 pdfs totalling 190 MB if I counted correctly.
Since I have them, here are 403 additional Rhodium pdfs, 283 MB that are not in the above archive, unless he changed their names. They are the d-d hosted pdfs, minus duplicates of the above.


Please read and learn !

Lambda - 11-8-2005 at 17:13

Dear S.C.Wack, thank you very much for making these additional Rhodium files available. You have put a lot of work into this, and I find it rather surprising that these files have only been downloaded 4 times, and the Rhodium file of 244 mb 52 times. Apparently many have not yet seen this additional goldmine of information you have so kindly provided us with. For this reason, I have added this additional post, so that members that have missed out on this addition may now benefit from this information.

I am not into drugs, neither do you have to be into drugs to learn from this highly informative top notch chemistry resource.

RapidShare doesnt work for everyone you know.

chemoleo - 11-8-2005 at 17:20

I think that all those rapidshare lovers out there forget that rapidshare also happily bans IP's. Including my own. Even though I never abused/overused it. A few megs a week can't hurt I figured. How wrong I was :(

Rapidshare is as good as useless to me, and I am sure there are others. Obviously those who are interested are more likely to get banned, thus weeding out all those who are interested... leading to relatively few downloads.

Anyway. I really REALLY hope that those who are downloading data from there also upload it on one of the FTPs. Thank you.

[Edited on 12-8-2005 by chemoleo]

Lambda - 11-8-2005 at 18:10

Chemoleo, I will uploade them to Madhatters FTP if it's possible. Madhatters FTP seems to be empty now, maybe he is bussy reorganising things at the moment ? I can only uploade at about 10-20 kb/s.


[Edited on 12-8-2005 by Lambda]

chemoleo - 11-8-2005 at 18:29

Thank you.

What I am quite dismayed about is that particularly the biochem and related 'data' are unlikely to be downloaded from here, so they are unlikely to end up on one of the FTPs, thus this sweet information is completley unavailable to me.

Let's see... I am moving soon, meaning a new IP, meaning... yay... maybe access :)
That is, if this 30 day period hasn't expired.

Lambda - 11-8-2005 at 18:34

Don't worry Chemoleo, I have so many biochem eBooks, that it will make your head spin.

[Edited on 12-8-2005 by Lambda]

chemoleo - 11-8-2005 at 18:36

Being at the stage where I am (final writeup), it does, it does :D:D

jqwhy - 14-12-2005 at 23:44

thank u very much

Bombast - 15-12-2005 at 14:36

The last 2 of the set of rar archives posted to rapidshare has expired. If anyone could repost them, would be vrey grateful.

S.C. Wack - 15-12-2005 at 15:53

Those pdfs came from here

Bombast - 15-12-2005 at 16:41

OK, thanks Wack.

humidbeing - 25-12-2005 at 22:09

Hey, where's the Couch Dammint?
(or the temp?):(

Somebody have it?!

Grimble_Gromble - 3-1-2006 at 12:51

Hi guys

I´ve been looking for a pdf archive that should be in
The archive named syringaldehyde.pearl.1948.pdf.

Does anybody have this article?

Rhodium mentions this one in another article (ref#8):

solo - 3-1-2006 at 13:52

for.... Grimble_Gromble

Synthesis of Syringaldehyde’
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 70, 1746 (1948)

Grimble_Gromble - 6-1-2006 at 07:23

Solo, thank you very much, man!

I´ve looked for that for a lot of time!

ctrlphreak - 4-7-2006 at 21:47

Is there any way to get the 1.2GB files re-upped or somethign? I only have a small fraction of the archive apparently, and I would love to get the rest of it. It is a continuation of the archving I have done, and is a valuable resource for me in my studies :D

jimmyboy - 4-7-2006 at 23:47

me as well - i would appreciate if it was reupped to the ftp - i only have a cruddy partial copy - actually i dont think it was ever there..

stimo-roll - 3-5-2007 at 12:22

Im looking large (~1Gb) Rhodium pdfs archive, were I can download him?

mono - 22-5-2007 at 04:19

^ above is +400 mb pdf's.

ctrlphreak - 14-6-2007 at 21:23

At the risk of being redundant, I am unable to locate a current place where I might be able to download a RAR of the archives of the Hive, which I miss so much. I've had various versions of them. Some with the Motions and animations and books, and some without, and unfortunately I have found myself in a palace where mine are gone...

Could someone please reupload them?

solo - 15-6-2007 at 00:23

This is the most recent posting of the Hive remnants,.......................solo

[Edited on 15-6-2007 by solo]

Vitus_Verdegast - 7-8-2007 at 22:42

solo : Is this still the synthetikal version, or a more extended version?

solo - 8-8-2007 at 00:20

I think it's the same one nubee assembled over at synthetikal.........solo

Hive And Rhodium

MadHatter - 8-8-2007 at 11:05

Both archives exist on the FTP. Goto the \CHEMISTRY - ORGANIC subfolder. Within the
the \RHODIUM subfolder there exists the 543 PDF files that can be downloaded individually.
I put them in a WinRAR self-extracting file for anyone who wants them all. The file name
is 'RHODIUMPDFS.rar.exe'. It's just under 354 MB in length. The only file that wouldn't
download from 'designer-drugs' was 'aryl-aryl.bondformation.pdf'.