Sciencemadness Discussion Board

I'm looking for a book

chemik - 8-4-2005 at 06:52

Does someone have any book about chemical warfare agents ? I was looking for it but I cant find anything interesting.

cyclonite4 - 8-4-2005 at 07:07

Somehow I don't think this the right place to ask. The E&W forum is your best bet, I downloaded a torrent last night that had a very extensive book on the subject (as well as others). E&W is down now, but should be back up very soon.

aikon - 8-4-2005 at 08:00

#1: Manual of Explosives, Military Pyrotechnics and Chemical Warfare Agents. Composition-Properties-Uses

#2: The War Gases - Chemistry and Analysis
by Dr. Mario Sartori

Both books can be found on the Rogue Science ftp.

chemik - 9-4-2005 at 01:16

Thank you for advices. I many times was trying to use this ftp. I opened it before a few attemps but it was impossible to download anything. Sometimes appeared information that I have to login but I cant even register on this forum ( they dont accept my emali account ). What can I do ? Could somebody send me this books ? Please, help me !

aikon - 9-4-2005 at 01:22

chemik, send me a u2u message with your email adress and i'll send you the books along with a few others.