UhhKaipShaltaBlet - 19-2-2005 at 04:57
One my friend in old war ship and he found unknown red explosive substance. it burns cracking and leaving a lot of carbon shit and some green
compounds are left after burning. the whole stuff is red. It is a little bit soluble in hot water. And I wanna to find out what's it that stuff.
He tried to detonate it and it was partial detonation. Here is the foto of it:
It's pressed to big density.
[Edited on 19-2-2005 by UhhKaipShaltaBlet]
ordenblitz - 19-2-2005 at 13:29
From your description of the burning characteristics, "black shit and green stuff"... It looks to me like you have red signal smoke
composition. It is commonly found on ships as distress smoke.
These types of compositions, will in the open air, burn with an orange sooty smokey flame and leave much carbon which is black, as well as a residue
that either is fuchsine, or looks exactly like it, which is an interesting green.
Try burning a small amount and covering it with somthing, tin can, cup, rag etc. to cut off the availability of atmospheric oxygen.. i.e. "snuff
out the flame" and it should erupt in a nice cloud of red smoke.
UhhKaipShaltaBlet - 20-2-2005 at 08:52
Can you give exact formula of it ? Please. And where I can find more info on it ?
chemoleo - 20-2-2005 at 16:59
These are just some organic dyes that can stand the temperatures when the composition burns (which is designed to burn at very low temps). I read
about this somewhere, but I think the colour varies obviously in different compositions. It'd be impossible to say what it contains unless you
know the precise type.
UhhKaipShaltaBlet - 21-2-2005 at 04:13
Thank you all. You helped me a lot. THANKS !
ordenblitz - 21-2-2005 at 06:44
Most likely it contains:
Oxidizer- potassium chlorate
Fuel- dextrose, lactose or sucrose
Dye- probably 1-MAAQ
Coolant- sodium bicarbonate or magnesium carbonate
Pressing lubricant- magnesium stearate